Chapter 17

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Luther's P.O.V

I watched as Lola was on fire, her and other things. I traveled far from the city and found an abandoned place to handle my business. I still felt no remorse, I didn't care at all. I wasn't going to have anyone stand in the way of my happiness with Amala and if it meant killing people, so be it. Love always conquered all.


Sunday morning...

Amala's P.O.V

I sat outside by the porch swing and was deep in thought about everything, I hadn't slept a wink last night and I didn't even want to be around Luther because I was feeling guilty and I was scared for what was in store for Luther and me. This meant that we needed to end things, go back to normal, and forget about everything.

It was going to be hard, but it needed to happen and there was nothing else we could do." Hey Amala, " said Luther as he walked up to me." Luther, this all needs to end. Lola has probably told my parents, you're going to get kicked out and I'm going to get killed or she hasn't said anything and will want to hold it over our heads. I can't deal with all this stress, I'm sick to my stomach and I haven't slept at all.

We cannot do this anymore," I said and I was getting emotional about it. This was pretty understandable because I loved him and I wanted to have my moments with him. I felt like we had just started and for it to end so quickly was pretty painful." Lola quit."

" What?"

" Yep. She said that she would keep the secret, but could not work in a house where she knew what was going on. It's honestly for the best, " he said and I felt so relieved, but I was also sad because Lola was like a mom to me. It was all my fault." Well, okay then."

" Nothing is ending. We are going to carry on, we are going to have fun and we are going to ensure that we are happy together."

"Okay," I said and I gave him a very big smile.


I ran to my dad and gave him the biggest hug known to man. I missed him a lot, I missed this old man. I mean I did miss my sister and mom, but my dad was more missed." Well hello, young one! I was missed, " he said as we let go of the hug." Yes, Dad, you were. Hi mom, hi Maz."

" Hello dear, I do hope you were behaving for poor old Luther?" Asked my mom and I just rolled my eyes, having no interest in answering the question." She was a delight, I had no problem with her whatsoever."

" That's good. Your father and I are going to rest, if you need us you'll find us in the room, " said my mom, and they left us in the hallway." So Maz how was it?"

"It was great, but your parents are annoying. I couldn't enjoy my time and that is why I've decided to move out, " she said just like that. Did not even ease me into the news, it was so abrupt." What the hell dude, you couldn't even ease it in. You just dropped it in like that?"

" Mali, there was no way of easing it in. It's been long overdue. I need my own space and I need to start building my future away from your parents."

" I guess it makes sense. When do you think you'll be moving out?"

" Well, I have already found the place, so I'll be about of here in less than a week, " she said and I swear I wanted to fall. It was happening all too soon. I lost Lola and now I'm losing my sister. I was going to be alone in this big house. Now I felt like that little girl." Take me with you?"

" Oh no Mali, I want to fuck around and party without babysitting, " she said then left Luther and me alone and went upstairs. I was sad now, sadder than I was when Leo told me about Lola.

Speaking of Lola we needed to explain to my parents that Lola had quit. I didn't even have a reason so I didn't even know what I was going to say to my parents." Luther, what should I tell my parents about Lola leaving?"

" You don't have to worry about that. She wrote a letter to your parents that explains everything. I will give it to them tomorrow morning."

" I feel terrible about this whole thing. Luther our relationship cost her her job."

" Amala, don't think about it too much. How could you tell your best friend about us?"

" I don't know, maybe you're cool with not being able to talk to anyone, but I'm not. This is very overwhelming, I'm experiencing things that are all new to me and my best friend is the one person I wanted to share it with."

" Why Amala, why?"

" I can't fucking go to my sister or my mom about it, the next best thing is my best friend. Our friendship may be over but I know for a fact that my best friend won't say anything about our shit. Luther, I just needed someone to talk to."

" Amala, I'm here. You can talk to me, I will listen and advise you the best way that I can."

" It's not the same, " I said then walked away, leaving him alone and going up to my room. I was annoyed, I was sad and I was tired. I needed a break.


I was sitting by my study table doodling in my book when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Jessie, I immediately answered the phone and gave her a frantic, "Hey." I was so happy that she was calling, I didn't even care if she was ending the friendship, I just wanted to hear my best friend's voice." Hi Amala, look I'm sorry that I stormed off as I did, I'm sorry that I said the things that I said. It's just that, it was all too much, it was all too messy and I just couldn't believe that my best friend was in something this risky."

" I know Jessie, but I needed to tell you. It was overwhelming, I was feeling things, I was thinking things and I sometimes felt like I was losing my mind. So I needed to tell you."

" I was the best option because you obviously can't go and tell your mom or sister about it."

" It pains me to know that I can't because I tell my sister everything, but also Jessie, you're my sister and we genuinely do tell each other everything."

" Amala, do you realize what you're doing?"

" I thought I did, but now I don't know anymore. Lola found out about us and even quit because she wasn't going to work in a house where a 16-year-old is sleeping with a 38-year-old."

" So what did you tell your parents?"

" Luther states that Lola wrote a letter, so everything is sorted."

" You got lucky, but your luck might run out Amala, what the hell were you thinking to allow this to happen?"

" Jessie, Luther is a man who shows affection, who shows love, and understands what it is like to show appreciation for something that you like. He treats me nice, he makes me feel loved and I feel like I'm floating when I'm with him. I am living my romantic dream with him.

I do think about the age, but I'm well aware that this is something short, nothing serious and I'm okay with that. I would have had a love story and a proper foundation so that when I do find my real soulmate, I only find someone who loves me unconditionally and loudly, " I said and realized that tears were running down my face. Despite all the rubbish, I loved this man and I was thankful for all the moments.

" I'm not happy about any of this, but you're my sister and I love you more than anything. You need me more than anything and Amala I will not abandon you in your time of need."

" Thank you so much, Jessie."

" Good night Amala."

" Good night Jessie, " I said then she ended the call. I was happy and relieved. My best friend was back and I felt like no I could again conquer anything.

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