Chapter 15

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Amala's P.O.V

I woke up in Luther's arms, he smelt like the bed if that made sense. He was still fast asleep, which makes sense because I had noticed that he had left me alone in the room. My body was a little sore or shall I say tender. I felt like a new person if I had to be honest as if I had just shed my old skin and now I was going to grace the world with a new glow.

I steadily pulled myself out of his embrace and got myself out of bed. I wanted to shower, eat breakfast, and focus on my schoolwork. I hadn't done much of it. I was so wrapped up in Luther's land, that I forget about reality and I couldn't have that. Especially, if I wanted to keep this secret from getting big or anything.


I played one of my favorite playlists and started making breakfast. I decided on making French toast for Luther and me. Every time I thought about that man I had a huge smile plastered on my face, if I could I would skip instead of walking. I liked having someone to care about, to like, and someone who would add to my happiness.

It made for a good journal entry and also made for a good starting point in my search for true love. I wish I could tell my best friend, and explain my sexual experience in detail. Bring her into my world of happiness. I wish we would giggle and share pointers if we pleased. These were things you shared with your best friend, things you related with, but mine wasn't normal.

So, I accepted the truth of the situation and let the journal become my best friend." Good morning, " said Luther as he walked into the kitchen. He was black jeans with a black shirt. He looked so fucking sexy, I couldn't help, but blush." Good morning Luther?"

" What are you making?"

" I'm making French toast. I hope that's okay?" I asked," it is perfect," he said then gave him a longer good morning kiss. I let out a moan. He did the kissing thing so well, he did everything so well. I was really happy.

Luther let me go and then when to go take a seat while I carried on making the French toast. I had already made 3 slices and I was now on my fourth." So what do you have planned today?" Asked Luther," I'm going to catch up on my school work, so if you don't mind, I will need the whole day to myself. Is that okay?"

"It's fine sweetheart, I need to do my things anyway. I will bring back dinner, okay?"

" What is it that you're doing?"

" I am required to tie up the last loose ends of my father's estate."

" Oh, well have fun, " I said. I was done making the toast, so started placing the food on the plate. With Luther leaving me and giving me all time I need, I will catch up on all my work and also even go ahead. This way, I can spend all my time with Luther and explore even more parts of him and myself. Such a steamy love affair, I tell you.


Luther's P.O.V

I sat across my soon-to-be ex-wife and for the life of me, I tried to recall all the reasons why I loved her and nothing came up. Not even the smallest thing was coming to mind. She was beautiful, I could not deny that, but that didn't matter because it wasn't enough. It was never going to be.

Amala was the reason for all these feelings, she made me see everything in a different light. My love for Amala made me realize that I was with Susan for convenience. Our life was good, it was a picture-perfect life, but I needed more than that, and I had finally found that." You seem different Luther."

" I feel different Susan."

" You have already found someone else?"

" Why do you assume that I have?"

" Luther I know you very well and you have the same glow that you had when you fell in love with that young girl. You've found another young girl to manipulate, haven't you?"

" No, I have not."

" Do me the honor and at least tell me the truth. I won't snitch, I could care less. Your consequences will catch up to you."

" Can we just sign the papers and be done with this," I said and I signed my part of the paper before sliding it to her." I pity the little girl you made believe you love her. She doesn't know the mess that she has got herself into, the pain and the danger that she is in and it's all because you're a skin man with a child fetish." She said that with so much disgust, so much anger and I didn't care because it wasn't true.

I loved Amala, she was my world and I was going to make it work with her." Susan, I love her with every core in my body. She has breathed life into me and made my dark days seem bearable. She is beautiful, talented, smart, and sweet, and has these eyes that always reassure me that everything is okay. We click, we have fun and our bodies connect like they were made for each other. She may be a little girl Susan, but she is more woman than you'll ever be," I said and I watched as tears ran down her face.

I never wanted to be harsh, but she provoked me and gave her what he deserved." Have a good life Susan and tell my son that one day everything will be okay," I said then got up and left Susan alone. My past actions cost me custody of my son and I knew that I was never going to get it. He was my secret, a secret no one was ever going to know about not even Amala.

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