Chapter Nine

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Luther was taking my parents to the airport so they joined us in the car ride." Luther, I've put some money into your account. That should be enough for both of you. I've also given Lola the day off, so make sure that Amala doesn't mess the house up."

"Mom, stop making me seem like I am five for God's sake," I shouted and they all laughed at me. They never failed to make me feel like the baby of the family. I wished I was the secondborn, at least it would have been a little better.

We finally arrived at my school so I said goodbye to my parents and sister. Making sure that I wished them a safe flight. As I walked away from fhe car I couldn't help, but think about my few days with Luther. I was both scared and excited, but I also knew that I was going to be with someone who loved me and wanted me to be happy. Everything was going to be okay.


Luther's P.O.V

I had bought flowers, I had bought a teddy bear and I had bought many more things that would ensure that my Amala was happy. Her father telling me that I had about 4 days alone with his daughter was the best thing he had ever told me. We properly going to be ourselves, be with each other, and do things without feeling guilty or weird.

I even wrote a letter to the school pretending to be her parents telling them that Amala wouldn't be attending school due to personal matters, but that they should email all her work to me. I wanted every moment with her. I wanted us to fall asleep in each other's arms and wake up in each other's arms without any alarm disturbing us.


" Hi Luther, " said Amala as she got into the car and then closed the door behind her. " My love, how are you?" I asked as I put my hand out and she immediately intertwined her hand with mine." I'm great and how are you?"

" I'm good. Ready for the most amazing days of your life?"

" Yes, I am."

" I've even managed to make sure that you won't be going to school during that time."

" Dude, seriously?"

" Yes, this might be the only perfect moment we'll have and I don't want to waste it."

" You don't think you should've asked me if I would've been okay with it?"

" Well, no because I assumed that you would've shared the same sentiment baby."

"Okay, " and I knew that she dismissed me. Maybe she had a point, I should've asked, but also I did what I believed was best and she was going to realize it.


Amala's P.O.V

Luther making that decision was so fatherly of him and I didn't like it at all, but I guess he meant well. I'd maybe realize it later, but now I was still annoyed so I didn't even have my cheese sandwich. I went right upstairs to my room. Our paradise wasn't starting so well, but I didn't give a damn right now.

I walked into my room, closed the door behind me, and let out a huge sigh. It's as if I had kept it in the whole car ride and it felt good to release it." Alexa play Highlights by Kanye West, " once the song started playing, I immediately channeled my inner Kanye. I loved this song amongst his other ones, but I genuinely believe that this one was perfect for the mood that I was in.

I got out of my uniform and decided to wear shorts and my basketball shirt. I tied my hair in my bun and started keeping myself busy with some of my schoolwork. I was going to go down eventually when I was cooled down, but right now I just wanted my time and I'm glad Luther was respecting that.


Luther was sitting on the loveseat, reading a book. He looked rather sexy when he was all concentrated and shit. I walked into the living room and made my way to him. I was feeling much better and I started to miss this man I wanted him to shower me with kisses, hugs, and all the attention a lady like me could ask for. I was going to talk to him about the incident, but not now. Now, I wanted to enjoy our paradise.

I stood in front of Luther and was rather surprised that he didn't notice that I was in the room with him, let alone standing right in front of him. He did invest himself in the book, a very interesting fact about him." Luther, " I called out, but rather slow and sultry. He still didn't budge, so I walked closer then pushed fhe book down with my one hand, and that caught his attention.

He looked up at me and once his eyes met mine, his expression went soft and a smile started growing on his face." What in the heavens are you reading that has got to so hooked, Luther darling?" I asked and gave him a genuine smile. Luther put the book on the side table and then pulled me so that I was now sitting on his lap. He looked at me and said, " Hi baby."

" Hi, " I blushed like the little schoolgirl, which I was. Luther kissed me on my cheek, my nose, my forehead, and back on my cheek. With each kiss, I would sigh, easing into his embrace and allowing myself to get fully relaxed in his arms." You are so beautiful Amala, you know that?"

" I'm aware that I've got good looks, " I teased and he chuckled a little." My Amala, your beauty takes my breath away every time. Your innocent brown eyes provide some light in my life and your smile, your smile is my guarantee that baby there better days."

" Luther, I can read that anywhere or ask a 10th-grade student to tell me that shit for free. Speak to me, speak from your heart if you must. Use your words wisely Luther, speak to me like the man you are, " I said and he had a smirk on his lips. I excited him, I could tell from his eyes, his smirk, and also from the bulge that recently joined the party.

It was my first time feeling something like this and experiencing something like this and it was weird. If Jessie did educate me the way that she did, I swear to God I wouldn't have even known what it all meant." Astonishing, " he whispered then the beautiful soul kissed me. I placed my hand on his face and we started to passionately kiss.

Every time I kissed him it felt as if it was my first kiss all over again, it was just as magical, just as sweet and we were just as in sync as the very first time. I pulled away for a little just so that I could straddle and comfortably kiss him. Luther wrapped his arms around my waist real tight and I gripped his hair as the kiss got hungrier, faster, and deeper.

I started to feel things, my body started to tingle in ways I wasn't quite familiar with, and my body started to burn up, but it was a burning sensation that I quite liked and my lady area was also tingling and that feeling was glorious. It could have only meant that my body was saying something that I was not ready for.

I gently pulled away and said, " I think this is enough for now."

"Okay, " he said and you could hear that he was a little out of breath." I'll wait till eternity if I have to Amala, I don't mind. I want to gift you with an experience you will never forget and that will never make you feel like you have been robbed of what you've always dreamt of." I kissed his forehead and then hugged him. I don't know how long we stayed like this, but we were comfortable, in no particular rush to be anywhere or to do anything else so we chilled in each other arms.

Part Of Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें