Chapter Four

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Luther's P.O.V

Last night I was about to tell Amala how I was feeling especially when it came to her, but I'm glad her parents returned. It was for the good or else it would have all gone wrong. I felt like it was because in the car we were too quiet, but she did say goodbye to me in a nice way, so I guess we were okay. I would test the theory when I picked her up after school.


When I got back home and made my way into the kitchen I found Amazon having breakfast and working on her laptop." Morning Amazon, how are you" I said as I made my way to the kitchen to go make myself a breakfast smoothie." I'm great and you?"

" I'm good. On days when I'm free, I can take Mali to school."

"It's okay, I'm not doing anything anyway. Quick question, why do you call her Mali?"

"It's just our sibling nickname, I call her Mali and she calls me Maz." She said and then she started going on and on about God knows what. Nothing was intriguing about Amazon if I had to be frank. I mean I guess I was feeling like this because of Amala. She had made many attempts to talk to me, but then I'd completely zone out or find something else to do.

I took my smoothie and started making my way out of the kitchen when Amazon said, " My dad is having a gala tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would be my date?" I wanted to say no and stay, but also it would not hurt I guess." Yeah, sure." I said then left the kitchen. This then made me realize that Amala was still a kid and such things she wouldn't be allowed to do and it sucked.


I watched as Amala said goodbye to her best friend. They hugged and kissed each other on the cheek then parted ways. Amala had a certain elegance in her walk, she was a confident young lady and it was extremely beautiful. Amala opened the passenger door and hopped right in." Hey there, " she said after closing the door behind her." Hi Amala, how are you?"

" I'm exhausted, tired, and can't wait to have my cheese sandwich."

" Is it a ritual for you to have a cheese sandwich after school?"

" Oh yes, the best sandwich in the history of sandwiches. I can make you one when we get back home."

" I'd love that, " I said and I knew that Amala and I were good. She connected her phone and played a new selection of music. This being more alternative, very deep if I had to say so myself." are you going to my dad's birthday gala?"

"It's his birthday gala?"

" Yes. Luther, can we go to the mall and get my dad something?" She asked and I immediately said yes. More time with her was what I always wanted and I was excited about that. She tapped in the mall's address on the GPS and we were off." Your sister asked me to be her date to the gala, but didn't mention it is your dad's birthday."

" You're her date?"

" Yes, I am."

" Oh, how cute, " she sarcastically said." He always throws something on his birthday, he loves that day with all his heart and on that day I'm always requested to sing him something."

" Why are you getting him a gift then?"

" I don't sing for my dad, I sing so that he can show me off. I buy him the gift because it's from me."

" What do you want to get him."

" Happy socks. My dad is the only man in the world who doesn't have happy socks and I'm going to fix that, " she said rather determined I couldn't help but giggle." What are you going to sing for him?"

" Pretty brave of you to ask?"

" Come on, it will be our little secret."

" Fine, I'm singing I love you by Celine Dion. My dad loves that song." I was so excited to hear her sing, but I still wanted the special moment for just me and only me.


We were walking in the mall, making our to a specific shop that catered to making happy socks. We were chatting away about quite a lot of things. We were getting to know each other and it was making me fall for her more than expected. I watched as she would stop at every window, looking at the different clothes with awe in her eyes and I would watch as she would get excited when she saw books. She was an artistic creation. Amala was something else and I couldn't believe that I felt this way for her.

Amala walked into the store and started picking out pairs of different socks. I think she had about 6 pairs in her hands. She went crazy about it, but she was happy and that's all that mattered.


Amala's P.O.V

Finally, I was home and having my cheese sandwich and I had someone to share it with. Luther looked like he was enjoying the sandwich and I was really happy. During our trip to the mall, Luther bought me a notebook and a necklace. He didn't give me a reason as to why, but he bought it for me and I was grateful." Hey there people, " said Maz as she walked into the kitchen, kissed me on the cheek then went to sit next to Luther.

My sister liked Luther, which was expected and would be accepted by anyone. It was a sad thought, but it was utterly true." Where do you guys come from?"

" We went to the mall to get Dad a gift, " I said as I got up from my chair and went to place my plate in the sink. I was going to leave the two so that they could create whatever. I walked past the two and made my way out of the kitchen then Luther said, " Amala thank you so much for the sandwich, I appreciated it." I smiled at him and then left them.


Before I went to bed, I decided to go and visit Luther. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds. I could hear that my sister was in the room, as expected, but I didn't care because I wasn't here for that I also wanted to gift him with something.

The door opened and it was Luther, he immediately had a smile on his face." Amala what can I do for you?"

" Luther I also got you something, " I said then gave him his gift and walked away. I gifted him with happy socks and a list of all the songs that I'd played while he was with me. I had my reasons, but I wasn't going to state them, till he stated his.

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