Chapter 10

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Luther and I were sitting in the kitchen having ice cream and waffles. We ditched the whole idea of having a proper dinner and had dessert for dinner. It was a rather late dinner, it was 10:00 pm. We stayed in the living room for a while talking quite a lot, well I did the talking and he just listened to me go on and on.

He was good at listening and he looked at me with these big childlike eyes, a clear indication that the man was very interested in what I had to say, even if it wasn't much. I don't even know why I spoke so much, I didn't have much to say. I knew that he did have a lot to say, but he didn't like talking about himself.

I was going to change that, I don't how, but I was going to try." Are you close with your siblings, "I asked and he stopped eating his ice cream. He was thinking about my question, I guess he was thinking about whether or not to answer the question or change the subject like he usually did." Before you even decide to change the subject, hear me out. Luther, we are trying to get to know each other, are we not? So please let me in, it does not need to be a lot. We can start slowly."

He looked at me like he looked at me. One could even say that he looked through me, through my exterior, and looked for whatever he was searching for in my interior. It's as if he was looking for a sign to see if he really could trust me, I would think me risking it all for him would be the biggest sign I could ever provide him." After my mom left my dad, he turned cold and stopped being the amazing father we grew to love.

My siblings and I realized that it was just going to be us against the world, so we became each other's parents, or shall I say, guardians. We raised each other and we formed the strongest bond that saved us from so much misery, pain, and disappointment. It hurt when our father passed away because at some point we thought we would gain the courage to forgive our father and build that bond all over again, but it was too late.

They all moved to England because we are originally from there. I decided to stay a little longer because I realized that there were still quite a few things I needed to do." I expected two or maybe three sentences, I did not expect that and I was very happy that he shared that part with me." Come, I want to show you something," he said and we both got up, making our way out of the living room, heading for the stairs.

I had an urgency to ask him what he wanted to show him, but I didn't want to ruin anything so I kept quiet and followed him to wherever. There was still so much I wanted to know about him because I believed that there was a whole lot more behind this man, my beautiful man. Luther opened his bedroom door and it was filled with red roses and a huge ass teddy bear was sitting in the middle with a basket filled with so many other things.

All this took my breath away, I didn't know what to say or do. I couldn't even move for a second. Luther did all this for me, he took the time to turn his room into a nursery. " Just a little something to show you that you mean the world to me and that I'm happy to have you Amala," he said then moved a little so that I could walk around and properly admire my gifts." You like?" he asked and I was quiet for a few seconds because I was still taken back from all of this.

No one had ever done anything like this, so of course, I was going to get emotional about it. I turned to face him and said," I love it, Luther, I love it." I then ran to him and jumped onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. I gave him the biggest hug and he did so too." Thank you so much, Luther, I appreciate it."

" Anything for my baby girl." I looked at him and gave him a kiss which he also returned. He loved me, Luther loved me. I could feel it in the kiss, the hug, the touch, and also see it through his actions and especially in how he spoke to me.

Even the way that he looked at me was also another indication that he loved me. I couldn't say that I loved him just yet, but I knew that I really liked him and that giving myself to him wasn't a distant thought anymore. 


Luther and I were up and in bed listening to music and having a conversation. Today he started openly talking about himself and his life." My mother was a Queen in the kitchen. Always coming up with new ideas and making sure that we never went to bed without being extremely full. She was full of love, the sweetest human being ever and she always brought the best out of all of us.

Her death was so sudden, no one expected and it hit us like a ton of breaks. My father felt it worse because he was madly in love with my mom."

" What happened to her?"

" She suffered an aneurysm. Weirdest thing ever because she was the healthiest being ever." He was getting emotional, this was still a tough one for him. I gave him a peck then followed by kissing his forehead." I'm so sorry Luther."

" It's okay Amala, it's okay. Sadly, my mother's death tore us from our father, but it was his own doing." Luther and his siblings wasted so much time resenting their father that when they eventually wanted to forgive him, it was too late.

They should have understood where he was coming from, the pain he felt, and the misery he was going through. Their father failed them, but they also failed their father. I wouldn't say that to Luther, well not now of course, but at some point, I would because he needed to understand the truth of the situation.

Luther planted his lips on mine and we started to kiss passionately and with rather intense speed. Luther pushed me so that I was on my back and he was in between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my mouth so that I could allow his tongue to go come into my mouth. My body started heating up, my lady part started to tingle especially when I felt Luther's member against it.

Luther started to rub his member against my lady part and the feeling was good. The kiss got deeper, my breathing started to change and I swear the room temperature started increasing. My mind was going crazy, I was going crazy as he increased his speed. Luther let go of the kiss and started kissing my neck, at some point, he was sucking on it as if he wanted to mark me.

Luther started trailing his hand down my body. Making his way to my lady parts, I started to breathe a little harder and I got myself ready for whatever was going to happen. Luther moved his hand into my underwear, his fingers moving a little down my lady parts and resting them on my clit. I moan a little because there was a pleasurable feeling from that touch.

Luther stopped kissing my neck and looked right at me, my eyes were wide open and I knew that I looked flushed. Luther looked hungry, his eyes were full of hungry and it was the sexiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on." Can I, " he asked softly and even bit his lip." Yes, " I whispered and Luther started stroking his fingers against my clit.

He took it slow, but he did touch it lightly. Even though it was slow, I felt the pleasure I needed to feel. I closed my eyes and I started to moan. This was a new feeling to me, a feeling I heard many talk about, a feeling I dreamt about and it was the sweetest feeling ever. I gripped the sheets as the speed changed, my moans got louder and the feeling got even more intense.

Luther went back to kissing and marking my neck. Luther went faster and I wasn't just moaning anymore, I was letting out pleasure screams. It was such a beautiful feeling, a feeling that I never wanted it to end, then just like Jessie said, the gates opened and the most powerful feeling overtook my body. I arched my back, my toes curled in and I cried out Luther's name.

I was experiencing an orgasm, the best feeling one could ever experience. The feeling woke your body up, it sent pleasure waves through your body. It was an adrenaline rush, it wasn't the longest feeling it was a sufficient won't and that amount brought you the greatest amount of happiness.

The feeling died down, Luther stopped stroking my clit and I opened my eyes feeling like I was seeing the world for the very first time. Luther looked at me with a huge smile on his beautiful face, I smiled at him as I was breathing heavily." Are you okay?"

" Yes, Luther, I'm okay, " I said then he kissed me, it was nice and slow. Ending the moment beautifully.

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