Chapter Three

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" Come in, " I shouted and my mother walked in." Hey Mom."

"Mali, Dad, Maz, and I are going to Maz's school for a school meeting."

" Is she in trouble, " I asked with excitement on my face. She wasn't in trouble, she was too much of a goodie two shoes to live a little." Nope, it's a gala dinner of some sort. You'll be here with Luther, he'll keep an eye on you and you guys can other takeout or something."

" Mother I'm not 5, I'm 16 you know."

" Mali, you are a troublesome one so I have to worry, " she said then made her way to my bedroom door." Well, you look dashing, " I said and she gave me a wink before leaving me. She was my best friend that woman, I loved her so freaking much.


Keep It Going by DVSN was playing loud in the entertainment area and I was dancing my ass off. I was a hopeless dancer, but I didn't give a damn because I was going to dance my ass off. I shook what my mamma gave me, jumped on the couches, and sang to the lyrics.

My mother would've literally killed me for doing this, but would have also joined me because she is just like me, a wild one." Nice moves, " said Luther. I turned to face him and said, " Join me." I carried on dancing, not caring that my crush was standing there watching me make a fool of myself." No, I'm good, " he said and I carried on dancing, completely blocking him out.

Luther's P.O.V

She loved her music. I have been here for a day and I knew that she listened to all kinds of music, really good music. My room wasn't far from hers, so I could hear all the music, I could hear it when she sang along and it was confirmed that she had a very beautiful voice. y wanted her to one day sing for me.

Amala looked beautiful while dancing although she had some questionable moves. Amala was happy and that's what mattered.

Amala's P.O.V

"What should we order?" I asked as switched the music off and walked up to Luther." I was thinking Chinese?"

" You read my mind, " I said with a smile. "I'll order it online, so what would you like?"

"Chicken Chow mein with a side of chicken dumplings."

" Coming right up. I'll call you when the food is here, " she said then she left me in the entertainment room.


I knocked on Luther's bedroom door. The food was here and I had a dinner set up. The door opened and there he was shirtless in shorts, I guess he had just finished showering because I could smell the shower gel and the room was pretty steamy." Hey so when you're done playing sexy shower man, you can come down and have dinner. We'll be eating together, so don't take long I'm starving, " I said then walked away from Luther.


Luther and I were sitting at the dining room table, he asked to play music and I had no issue with it. His music wasn't bad at all. We spoke quite a lot, more than I expected. I knew that he was going to London for work and also to build a life there. I knew that he wasn't the only child and that his siblings moved all over the world after their father's death.

Without him saying it, I knew that his father's death hit quite a lot and it was a very sensitive subject." Why do you like music so much?"

" Well, music has always found a way to heal things my mother, father, sister, or book couldn't. Music is an escape, it makes me happy, it's put me at ease and all my fantasies are rooted in all the songs I listen to. If I don't have anything to say then I let the music say it for me, " I said and I knew that I was daydreaming. I could talk about music all day if I wanted to." What fantasies, " he asked and for that brief second we looked at each other.

" Fantasies about love, life, lust, sex, desire, passion, and men. I want to experience the stuff these artists sing about whether good or bad, " I said softly then looked down at my plate and started picking at my food.

I was feeling rather vulnerable, I truly felt like the young girl who was talking about extremely inappropriate things." Amala, " Luther said and I looked up at him. His hand was on mine. I was beginning to feel confused, my blood was rushing and my heart was racing. I didn't know what was happening and again I was unable to speak.

As he was about to say something else, the front door opened and my family came rushing in, filling the house with loud laughs and loud conversation. I immediately got up from the chair, took my plate, and made my way to the kitchen. I looked down at the shaking plate and immediately realized that I was shaking uncontrollably. I do not what happened and I did not know how to feel about it.


I'm walking back from my parent's room. Every night I always spend about an hour with them and we talk about anything and everything. I have the greatest relationship with my parents and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the relationship. As I'm about to reach my bedroom door, I see Luther's bedroom door slightly open.

So I walked quietly towards it and peed through the small opening. Luther was sitting by his study, frantically writing in a red notebook and I was curious as to what he is writing about. I was curious about him. I don't think this was a schoolgirl crush anymore, and I was pretty scared about it. Luther looked up and looked at the door and caught me peeping. I got a fright and immediately ran to my room. I didn't want to face him, I couldn't face him, especially after such an embarrassing childish moment.


We sat in the car in complete silence as we made our way to school." Luther, I'm sorry for playing peeping tom last night. It was truly disrespectful and it will never happen again."

" It's okay Amala. If you needed something you could've come in."

" Okay, " I said then looked out the window and kept quiet for the whole ride. I had nothing else to say. I didn't want to say anything.

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