Trial of the 12 gates (Final Gate)

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Your P.O.V

As I watched the doors to the final trial open I could see the room and it looked more like a throne room before walking in and see a woman covered by a bright cloak sitting on a throne just in front of the final door.

"So you come good because unlike them I'm much stronger and your nowhere near my level so just turn round before you get hurt" she said as I step forward with no doubt in my eyes. "I can't turn back now I will stand my ground and pass your trial" I tell her as she sighs before standing up.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" she told me as she walks towards me as I prepare for anything. "The final trial is simple knock out or make your opponent give up that's all" she told me as she stood in front of me and flicks my forehead sending me flying into a wall as the others watched.

"Like I said not on my level" she says before turning to walk away as I fell to the ground.

In your mind

"I lost and all she did was flick my forehead damn it" I say before looking and see the same room from before as that voice calls out again. "So your back have you made a choice" The voice asked as I stand and look at them before I see a red flash in the very back and head for it.

"That red glow" I say as saw a orb of red light as the voice calls out to me. "I see you can see it this is your full demon power but careful once it's opened your humanity will be lost" the voice told me as I reach out for the red orb as the room filled with a red light.

Outside your mind

The woman was about to sit down before a burst chi caused her to stop as I begin to get up and she looked at me. "Hey I ain't done yet" I told her as the rest watched me rise with red chi surrounding me as I prepare to attack.

"Well then let me just let get this thing off" she says as she removed her cloak and drops it on the throne to reveal this.

"Well then let me just let get this thing off" she says as she removed her cloak and drops it on the throne to reveal this

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She smiled as I blushed at her figure before she speaks to me. "My name is Dragoona so lets see if your able to put up a good fight" Dragoona said as she rushed me at an even greater speed than Hoppy however I can see every move before blocking her attack which surprised the others.

"Is that all you have master Shinzo's jokes hurt more than that" I told her as she smiled and jumps back. "Well then lets see how long you keep saying that" Dragoona said as we began to fight I block, dodge and counter attack while she did the same.

The room shakes with every hit as are attacks just keep increasing and soon enough we matched attack fist to fist and kick to kick before I jump away and she stands on the other side. "Your a quick learner but I will end this with my very best attack" Dragoona said as she begins to pull chi into her body as her body begins to steam.

"DRAGOONA STOP THAT ATTACK WILL KILL HIM" Monk shouts as he just watch me stand my ground before I begin to pull my chi into my body as well but not just my blue chi but my red chi too. "Hog thinks little man has new trick" Hog says as they watch me keep pulling in my chi.

"Lets see if you can counter this" Dragoona says as she finished pulling her chi in. "RED HOT FLAME CANNON" Dragoona shouts as a blast of shoots out of her mouth and comes at me.

I soon get enveloped by the flames which burns off your top but it soon gets dispelled as I stand there glowing red before it crumbles away and it revealed me but I had changed my hair was now glowing bright red and eyes had turned red with crimson scales covering my body. "He did it incredible" Ponia said as they all stood in shock at my sudden change.

"Now for my best attack" I says as I point both hands at Dragoona as a ball of red and blue chi mixed as she puts up her guard but I disappear and soon teleport behind her. "BIG BANG DEMON WRATH" I shout as it blasts her and sends her crashing into the wall but she was able to stand for a few more seconds before falling to her knees.

Your P.O.V ends

"Ok I give up you pass" Dragoona said as you walk over and help her to her feet as you bow in respect as she placed the final symbol on your arm which was the gate of the dragon. As you noticed your hair returned to it's normal colour as well as your eyes however the scales were permanent before all 12 of the gates show you to the exit.

As you step up to the door the symbols on your arm begin to glow as you raise your arm in the air and they leave your arm and set themselves on the door causing it to open. "Well this is goodbye do us a favour and say hello to Shinzo for us" Pesto says as you nod before walking into the bright white light.

Back in the temple

Raven, Leo and master Shinzo stood outside the door and were about to leave before it opens as you walk out clothes dirty and torn with a smile on your face. You soon see Raven run up to you and kiss you on the lips as you did the same.

"What was that for" you asked as Raven smiled at you. "You have been gone for a year" Raven says as you look at them in surprise before they take you up stairs to tell you what has been happening.

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