Trial of the 12 gates (Part 11)

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Your P.O.V

As I was walking I could feel something strange but couldn't tell what before reaching the 2nd to last room and see a little girl with angle wing dressed in orange genie clothes waiting for me.

"Well I'm here so may we begin my trial" I asked as she nods before the room became open sky and I begin to fall and the fall seemed endless. "All you have to do is fly to the top and you pass however this technique would normally take a year to learn and another 50 years to master good luck oh and the name Chika" Chika said before flying upwards and soon gets out of sight.

*How the hell can I fly I might be a demon but don't have wings like her wait now that I think about it her wings didn't move and she said it was a technique it must be chi based but how* I thought as I continue to fall before trying an idea by forming a ball of chi in my hands and shoot it like a beam from my hands sending me up before running out and return to the free fall.

*Ok new plan come on think hang on when she was talking her chi was all around her* I thought as I keep thinking about how a person without wings could fly. "Got it hope this works" I tell myself as I focus my chi into my feet and let it build.

"All I need is to push the chi from my body a bit like bullet coming out of a gun" I told myself before my chi surrounds me and I begin to float in the air. *Watch out Chika I'm about to catch up* I thought as I send myself shooting upwards in a flash of blue light.

Chika was still flying up before seeing me catching up at insane and soon increased her speed. "Lets play sky tag not for the trial but for fun and you will never catch me" Chika told me with a smile on her face as I smiled as well before increasing speed and flying even faster.

"Your too slow" Chika tells me before going even faster and I soon see her almost turn into pure light. "Ok lets take it up a gear" I say before my chi bursts and changed colour to red.

"Looks like I'm getting the hang of calling this red chi now let get catching" I say before shooting off like a bolt of lightning and soon catch up to Chika before flying right next to her as we both smile. "How about we make it 1st one to the door wins" I tell her as she nods as we begin to fly toward the door to my next trial at almost world shattering speeds and just keep increasing.

"TIME TO PUSH TOWARDS THE FUTURE" I shout as the red chi bursts a 2nd time causing me to go 10 times faster as I reached the door first. "Haha that was fun well you passed my trial quickly here" Chika told me with a smile on her face the gate of the rooster symbol appears on my arm and the doors begin to open.

Your P.O.V ends

Your about to step through but soon see the other master you met on your trials. "Hog, Viper, Monk, Ponia, Pesto, Baba, Ruby, Spike, Hoppy and Brutus why are you all here" you asked them as Viper runs at you and jumps on you to give you a warm hug which you return.

"We came to guide you to the last and most difficult trial come you have earned this" Monk said as you stand up and follow them while Ruby and Viper hold your hand as they act like kids going to a candy store. "Big brother will you miss us if you pass the last trial" Viper asked with an almost puppy dog face as you smile at her.

"Of course I will after all I'm your big brother" you tell her which makes her smile with the happy thought but in front the others overheard and smiled as well. "He is something special isn't he" Ponia says as the rest smile at what he told Viper.

"Yes and something tells me he might be able to do the impossible on his last trial" Monk said as the others nod to agree as you all reach a set of bright red and gold doors. "Inside here we can only watch" Pesto said as you nod and they open the doors to the final trial what awaits in there would soon be revealed.

A Raven and the AssassinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz