Teen Titans vs Assassin (Part 2)

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In the last chapter you and a member of the Teen Titans were falling off a roof because of some corrupt police now back to the story.

Somewhere in California the you Titan girl was waking up only to find herself in a bedroom that was not her own before you enter the room with a glass of water and aspirin. "Where am I" she asked as you place the water and aspirin on the bedside table and sit away from the bed.

"Your in my home at least for now the aspirin is for the blow to the head you suffered because of those dirty cops" you tell her as she took 2 aspirin before sitting up on the bed cloak still on and hood up. "Don't worry I understand the whole secret identity thing that's why I left your hood up" you say as she watched you leave the room and then a couple minutes later come back in wearing casual clothes.

"Just had to change my clothes my name is [Fn] [Ln] and you" you tell her with a smile on your face as you sat down in the same chair. "You already know me just like my friends" she says as you give a light chuckle.

"True but I would rather hear it from you" you told her as you let her think before she sighs. "My name is Raven" Raven said as while you smiled before taking a deep breath and then taking a look at the watch on your wrist.

"I have a place to be you can come with me or go back to your friends I won't stop you" you tell Raven before leaving the room and exiting the front door. You make it 5 minutes down the road before Raven appears in front of you which made you smile.

You and Raven walk for about 30 minutes before turning down an alley where you knock on a metal door before entering with Raven. "Ah [Fn] you come for the usual" an old man says as you and Raven walk up to the counter.

"Yeah Leo by the way how is Roxy" you asked as Leo turns round and looks for the usual. "She is doing well I had to leave her in london as she met a nice man" Leo said before grabbing an item off the shelf and turns round then hands you a jar of red powder.

"That's great well tell her I said hi" you say before you and Raven leave the shop. "Who is he" Raven asked before seeing the door had vanished.

"That was Leo he is a good friend of mine and if your woundering about the shop it moves from place to place you see it's a demon shop" you told her as you both walked back to your home to talk. As soon as you get back you walk over to the kitchen while Rave sits at the dining table while you prepare cups of tea only you add the red powder into your tea before walking over to Raven and sit down.

"Ok so yes I'm a demon but only half sort of like you daughter of Trigon" you say to Raven as she froze at that name. "I take it from your reaction you don't like your father but I don't either" you said as Raven relaxed a little.

"Why do you hate him" Raven asked as you smile. "My demon half comes from my mother human my father only my mother commited an act of betrayal as Trigon wanted her to give me up to his army so I could become a weapon but she told him no she escaped to the human world and left me with my father but...." you cut off as a tear falls down your cheek.

"But that didn't last as they were both killed by Leo but when he saw me he couldn't agree with Trigon's order so he took me to Japan where he had a friend after that he left me I grew up soon his friend taught me the ways of the ninja and now Leo, Roxy and my teacher are like family to me so that's pretty much it" you say as Raven smiled before holding your hand. "What was that stuff you got" Raven asked as you looked at your tea.

"It's a suppressant I had it made to suppress my demon instincts because I let them et out of control once and I hurt someone close to me and I swore never to let that happen again" you told Raven before you hear the window smash as the Titans enter you manage to dodge. "Friend Raven don't worry will save you from this man" Starfire said before you get tackled from behind as BeastBoy breaks through the door as a green ape and holds you tight as the others walk over.

"Ok talk what were you planning to do with our friend" the kid with an R on his chest asked as you try to get out of BeastBoy's grip until Raven helps you out. "Robin, Cyborg, BeastBoy and Starfire stop it he helped me after the other night I hit my head so he took care of me" Raven told them as you stood up and dust yourself off.

"In that case thanks" Robin says as he holds out his hand which you shake. "So does this mean he is friend now" Starfire asked as Raven nods before you get hugged by Starfire.

"Hey Raven since your friends destroyed my place can I live at yours" you asked as she looked at Robin who agreed. After getting your stuff including your red powder you follow the Titans to Titan Tower which stood in the bay of San Francisco.

As you walk in they give you a tour of the Tower and soon show you where your room is which was just down the hall from Raven's.

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