Teen Titans vs Assassin (Part 1)

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It was a calm night at Titan Tower in San Francisco California the air was cool as the stars light up the sky but while all but one titan slept a new face was arriving in town.

A man dressed in a long black coat walks down a nearby alley before stopping once out of sight. "I hope this guy is as good as he claims" the man said as someone drops behind him which spooked him.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack" the man says as he calms down before looking at the person in front of him. "What did you hire me for" the person asked as the man pulls out a photo of a small boy and an older man.

"That's my son but this man is part of the mob and I'm worried my son is in danger" the man said as the other person takes the photo and begins walking away. "Don't worry I'll get your son back to you soon I'll dop him off at your home in his room wait there" the person told him as he vanished into the shadows.

At a nearby bar

The bar is fall of mobsters as well as a little boy who was sitting next to the boss. "Boys to night we get rich and little jack is going to help us right" the boss said as the boy nods not wanting to get killed before a stranger walks in and sits in front of the boss. "I don't know who you are but you must have some real balls to walk over to me" the boss asked as the stranger smiled causing confusion.

"23 should take no longer than 3 minutes" the stranger said before placing a small box on the table as the power cut out and the bar went pitch black. After 3 minutes the lights came back on the stranger, boss and kid were all in the same place everyone else was on the floor dead some with cut throats others smashed into tables.

"What the how did this happen" the boss said as he looked at the stranger before feeling fear as he saw his face clearly. "Your him that assassin with a kill list in the millions [Fn] [Ln]" the boss says in fear as he throws the kid aside and begins running for the back door.

"Pointless" you say before throwing star at his head missing him by an inch which made him freeze in his tracks as you walk over and kneel in front of him while putting the palm of hand under his chin. "Name Terry Hawk wanted for 12 robbery, 8 murders and 3 attempted murders any last words" you asked him as Terry couldn't speak out of fear.

After a couple of seconds you extend a blade from your wrist straight into Terry's throat before pulling back and he drops to the floor dead. "May the fire of hell burn away your sins" you say before standing up and clean off your blade and then look at Jack.

"Ok kid lets get you back home" you say before placing Jack on your shoulders and heading for his home. After a couple of hour you and Jack arrive at his room where his father was waiting as you instructed.

"Here you go now for my pay" you tell Jack's dad before getting a suitcase of cash and then leaving the father and son. "Jack I'm glad your ok so did you get what I asked for" he asked as Jack gave him a usb stick.

"It was easy to steal his accounts the trouble was escaping with it but thanks to that man we now have control of the Hawk family fortune" Jack said as his dad smiled and rubs his sons head. "Now to take care of any loose ends" he says before making a call to the police.

Meanwhile your walking down the street before police surround you and point their guns at you. "Put down the case and put your hands behind your head" a police man said as you put a picture together.

"So all of you are under his pay role well catch me if you can" you tell them before running down an alley which they follow. As you run you grab a fire escape ladder and swing your body over the rails before climbing up to the roof.

"Well that was fun but I did my job" you tell yourself before dodging a object being thrown from the shadows before a group emerged. "You might as well give up now" the leader said as you look at them and smile.

"Never thought I would actually meet the Teen Titans" you tell them as they prepare to fight. "You will surrender or we will give you down beat" a woman with red hair and glowing green eyes said until a boy with green skin sighs.

"It's beatdown Starfire not down beat" the boy tells her before changing into a green bear and charged at you. "Lets see BeastBoy former member of Doom Patrol now a member of Teen Titans, power shape shifting, real name Garfield Mark Logan" you say while dodging every slam of his fists before grabbing his right arm and toss him over your shoulder making him land in front of the other Titans.

"Friend BeastBoy" Starfire said before flying at you but just like before you dodge her. "Starfire formally known as Princess Koriand'r, home planet Tamaran, power energy blasts" you say before catching her punch and then slamming her into the ground and throw her into the others before police helicopter hoover over head with lights beaming over head.

"Looks like this fight will need to be put on hold" you tell them but as you were about escape the police fire rocket at the roof as a girl in a black cloak appears in front of you before the rocket explodes causing you both to be sent flying of the roof but the girl hits her head as you both fell.


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