The final hour: the master of the world

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Shinzo was walking throught the battle with out a single person attacking him before coming face to face with Kinjo Mitsuchi.

"You have grown old Shinzo" Kinjo said as sharpens his knife. "True but with age comes wisdom something your in need of Kinjo" Shinzo says as he watched Kinjo stand up holing his knife before throwing it into a nearby wall.

"Lets see if your skills have grown rusty" Kinjo says as he takes a boxing stance. "I have never forgot the pain you caused my students including [Fn]" Shinzo says as he prepares to attack before they run at each other and fists clash.

Shizo keeps dodging Kinjo's attacks as if he was fighting a child before judo tossing him but gets countered when Kinjo knees Shinzo in the face during the toss and then lands on his feet. "I have made some improvements since the last time we met" Kinjo says as Shinzo gets hit by his knees which leads into an elbow then a spinning heel kick which is followed by choke hold.

"What do you think each move leads to the next and ends with a choke so Shinzo be gone" Kinjo says as he begins to tighten his hold as Shinzo struggles for air until his hold is broken by blast of fire as 2 people appear next to Shinzo a woman dressed in red genie clothes and a man dressed in brown genie clothes. "Dragoona, Monk how?" Shinzo asked as they help him back to his feet.

"A long story old friend but right now we have this person to beat" Monk says as the 3 of them rush at Kinjo. "Yes give me a real fight" Kinjo told them as he blocks their attack but they do the same thing.

Monk goes to sweep his legs but Kinjo jumps which Dragoona knew he would as she appears behind him but is met with a grab to her shoulders and tossed into Monk as Shinzo jumps and begins to spin kick Kinjo repeatedly before getting crushed into the ground and tossed into Monk and Dragoona. "This human is much stronger than those who have come before" Dragoona says as Kinjo walks towards them.

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*Am I just not strong enough no I must protect the things I care about* Shinzo thought as he stands up before pressing his hands together which Monk noticed. "SHINZO STOP THAT TECHNIQUE WILL KILL YOU" Monk shouts as lightning surrounds Shinzo's body.

"Dragoona, Monk do me a favour watch over my nephew, tell him he made his uncle proud and goodbye" Shinzo says before rushing at Kinjo at such speed it made a sonic boom before he hits Kinjo in the face and then turns with a knee. "I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED HIM MY NEPHEW WAS ONLY 5 YEARS OLD AND HE HAD TO SEE HIS HOME BURN AND FELLOW STUDENTS DIE BY YOUR HANDS NOW YOUR GOING TO PAY" Shinzo shouts in pure rage as he continues to punch rapidly leaving no opening.

*I can't escape his attack what is this* Kinjo thought as Shinzo soon begins to punch, elbow and kick while spinning around his body landing every blow. *I never thought it would come to this using the thunder rush I haven't used it since I was younger but he means more to me* Shinzo thought as every blow became faster and harder as his body began to bleed.

"What is going on Monk" Dragoona asked as she watch Shinzo fight at almost unnatural speed even for a demon. "He created a technique that allow him to convert his chi into a speed boost when he was younger it would of just knocked him out for a week or so but his old body just won't be able to handle it" Monk explains as they see Shinzo knee Kinjo in the jaw knocking him to the ground.

"Go on kill me it is your right" Kinjo says as Shinzo stand up and turns to walk away on the fading strength he had. "Where are you going Shinzo kill me you have the right" Kinjo says again but Shinzo just looks back at him after sliding down a nearby wall.

"No Kinjo a 1,000 years of bloodshed I will not take your life after all I die to protect my nephew and leave him with hope for the future" Shinzo said as he coughs up blood but smiles anyway. "However your son is lost in the darkness and once this war is done he will need you to guide him once again this is my final lesson" Shinzo tells him before someone calls out to him.

"Oh my love how our nephew has grown" the female voice says as Shinzo looks to see a person of his past. "Mina" Shinzo says as Mina gives him a kiss as the last of his life fade away before closing his eyes.

"Rest now my love because what I do next is because of my love for you" Mina whispers to his lifeless body before disappearing to who knows where.

It was at the moment Shinzo past on that Kinjo nderstood what he ment a world ruled by chaos and violence would only breed hate and destruction so in order to save this world we all must learn about the most powerful thing in the world love and compassion.

With that Kinjo Mitsuchi also known as the world accepted his defeat and bows in respect to Shinzo's body.

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