Hunter and Prey

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You had left Titan Tower to find a man called Ken responsible for Roxy's death before coming face to face with him as you both prepare for battle.

Lightning cracking through the dark clouds as yours and Ken's swords clash with as sparks were formed. "What's wrong not happy to see after these long years" Ken said as you just push him away before quickly swing down but he jumps back while smiling.

"Ken I hoped to never see you like this but after what you've done I swear your going to pay" you tell him before rushing him about to slash at his ribs only to be blocked by his sword and then punched back. "What I've done is try and fix this world to make it pure once again and your not going to stop me" Ken say as he rushed at you and swings his sword straight through you but you soon appear in front of him and kick him to the edge of the roof.

"Well you have improved I remember you struggled to perform the after image technique" Ken say wiping blood from his nose and then jumping back on to his feet before rushing at you while the cold rain falls. As the people below walked the sound of metal clanging which lightning soon followed as if Zues himself was filled with angry.

"Do you want to know a little secret the last demon I slayed was a good screamer" Ken says as your eyes glow red before pushing him back and then coming at him with a furious swings of your sword which Ken struggled to block. *He finally shows the power he hides* Ken thought as he spins round dodging your attack and at the same time cuts through your right set of ribs wich caused your eyes to go from red to [Ec] and fall to your knees.

"I win now die filthy demon" Ken says as the blood runs down your side as he prepares to finish you off before you fall back and into an alley followed by the sound of trash cans being smashed into could be heard. "Master Ken should we go capture him" a servant asked as Ken wipes his blade.

"Yes and once you have him bring him to me so I can finish the hunt" Ken said as he walks away as the servants go down to the ally but as they arrive all they saw was blood on the floor with no body. Meanwhile you feel someone dragging you before placing you on to a bed as voices could be heard as you lost consciousness.

Back to Ken

The servants return to Ken empty handed and kneal in respect as he turns to face them. "So he got away how disappointing and after my sword had got ready to taste his blood no matter he will come after me again" Ken says as the servants leave the room while Ken looked at a wall full of pictures and they were all of you.

"Soon brother your head will mark the end for all demon kind and I will lead the humans to victory this war will finally come to an end" Ken told himself as a smile broke out over his face before getting to training.

Back to you

It had been some time before you wake and attempt to sit up before stopping as a sharp pain hit you like a wrecking ball. "Shit that hurts where am the last thing I remember I was in an alley bleeding out and voices" you said before getting out of bed then grab a shirt that was hanging up before walking out the room into what looked like a store.

"So your awake good thought for a second there you had gone to the underworld" Leo said as you looked at him before nearly falling over but he caught you. "Leo why am I here" you asked as a second set of hand help you to a chair and as you look you see that the hands belonged to Raven.

"[Fn]" Raven says in a cold tone which held the weight of anger in a single word only for that to disappear as she hugs you while crying. "Raven did you and Leo save my life why" you asked as Leo sat down while Raven sat next to you.

"Because we are your friends" Raven told you before you look away and soon snap. "FRIENDS DO YOU BOTH HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE BECAUSE NOW THEY WILL BE COMING FOR BOTH OF YOU" you shout as Raven and Leo flinch but only for a moment as you see no doubt in their eyes.

"[Fn] what has you so scared" Raven asked as she noticed Leo look away as he knew the answer. "It's a secret group known as the G.W.O (aka. Gods world order) it's a group of demon hunters who believe god sent them to lead humanity into a world of humans no demons or other impure thing basically to dictate the world" you said as Raven holds your hand tight.

"I'm trying to stop them so I took a stand against them and keep myself away from other demons in order to protect them and now I've dragged you both into a war that will most likely kill us" you tell them before Raven holds you in a soft warm hug. "We chose to help you and you have been fighting by yourself for long enough" Raven said as you feel Leo place a hand on your shoulder.

"So here now" Leo asked as you stand up and grab a map and point at a loction. "Time for me to see the master" you say as Leo sets his shop for that location which would soon prove to be risky.

Raven saw the doubt in your eyes before feeling you tighten your grip almost like you were afraid.

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