Trial of the 12 gates (Part 5)

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Your P.O.V

I walk into the next trial only to see nothing but a man dressed in black genie clothes sitting in the centre as I walk closer to him.

"So you made it this far good" he said as I watch stand up and look at me. "I'm here to learn" I told him as he nods before showing me a table.

"My name is Pesto and my trial is simple manifestation simply make an object with your chi" Pesto said as I nod while he stoo on the other side of the table and watched. I gather chi in my hands before it begins to appear as it forms a sphere as I see Pesto nod before I lose it and the chi disappears.

Your past

Me and master Shinzo were playing a game of catch before I lost the ball. "Oh man I lost the ball" I say as master Shinzo just smiled with a light chuckle.

"No worries we can still play watch" master Shinzo told me as he makes a ball out of chi. "So cool how did you do that master" I asked as he and I sat down before talking.

"I simply manifested my chi into a physical object and in time you will be able to do it far better that me" master Shinzo told me as I gave him a warm hug.

Your past ends

I look at the table and smile before backing away and take a deep breath as before I visualize objects before making them appear around me. *This is incredible he has managed to make multiple objects with very little effort and after a single attempt* Pesto thought as he watched the objects all combined into a new object and then disappear.

"Well done you pass" Pesto said as I shake my head. "No if I can make a request I would like to fight you" I asked as Pesto smiled and nods before taking a couple steps back.

"No matter what happens you get to move on regardless now come at me" Pesto told me as we rushed at each other before clashing fists with smiles on our faces. I go for a kick but Pesto ducks under and goes for an upper cut but I push away before creating a weapon out of my chi which was a sword just as Pesto does the same but he creates an axe.

I swing my sword at him but he blocks with his axe before passing me and slashed down my back but it passed right through me before Pesto looks and sees me falling from the sky with my sword up. Pesto managed to dodge me but I quickly adjust and rush at him but as I do I create a second sword before jumping at him.

*What is he planning* Pesto thought as he watched me begin to spin as I flew towards him while pointing my swords at him which he attempts to block it. *He isn't backing down even when I counter his every move this man is the best* Pesto fight as he pushed me away before preparing to attack but as he was about end the fight I looked at him and in that moment I saw his fear which allowed me to counter and knock him to the ground.

"I win" I told him as I help him to his feet. "Yes you did here" Pesto said as the gate of the rat symbol appears on my arm and I bow in respect before heading for the next trial.

*That was fun but at the end that look was something different [Fn] [Ln] just what are you becoming* Pesto thought as I left the room while smiled before he goes to join the others I had passed.

Your P.O.V ends

You had passed 5 of 12 trials and was now on your way to trial number 6 as you remember everything you had gone throught to get here and the lessons you learned.

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