Ch. 10

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Ryuk/N: I just wanna leave this pic here cause Krist is just too ADORABLE

Ryuk/N: I just wanna leave this pic here cause Krist is just too ADORABLE

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At The Mansion

Arthit was shaking to the point where it took all Kong had in him to not pick him up and carry him inside. Instead he let his cute little boyfriend cling to him like a koala. 

"Kong take him to his room he needs to rest, his parents knows what happened already. This time was the worst we will have to discuss it when he is better." Knott said as he lead Kong to some massive stairs. Kong was then led away by a maid to a bedroom the size of a whole apartment. He helped Arthit get into bed and get comfortable awkwardly looking around after he was all settled in.

"Just take what you need from my closet then take a shower and join me." Arthit weakly said from the bed sensing Kong's what he interpret as discomfort.

With a silent nod Kong set off to discover what he needs to complete the instructions given to him. The damn room was indeed like a whole apartment, the closet was as big as his bed room and it led to the bathroom. Convenient


"You traitor you will never save him!" "How can you betray the Anbu? Your loyalty is to your master and your master only!" Kong watched as the masked man impaled him with a sword leaning over to whisper in his ear, "You will never save him" His vision blurred as he saw a white winged man with blue eyes rushed over to him. Kong woke up drenched in sweat, the pain in his chest more painful than ever. It felt like he was really stabbed there. His once unclear dreams has been like this since coming here making him more confused than ever, it took him a second to realign with reality. Looking over at a sleeping Arthit, the events of a couple nights ago bombarded him.

Arthit was in and out of consciousness all night. It's been weeks and Kong was in full doctor mode, taking temperature, fussing with the blanket, adjusting the A.C. Kong felt helpless, there was nothing he could do but ride out the storm next to Arthit. P'Knott had said that medications wouldn't help since it is not a "regular sickness". It was the after effect of what he did to that guy in the restaurant.

But what did he do that guy anyways and why were they all so nonchalant about it? Also, he was sure Arthit eyes was definitely glowing. And oh my God what about all their friends? He was pretty sure they all saw and had questions of their own. Kong head swirled with all these questions and concerns.

He was pulled back from his world-wind of thoughts by a slight rustling on the bed next to him. He shook off the thought and zoned in on the adorable face smiling at him with half lid, unfocused eyes.

"Kong what are you doing here?" Arthit asked with a low hoarse voice

"Bungee jumping" He replied with soft playful sarcasm

He watched as Arthit's smile slowly got a little wider then transformed to a frown producing creases in his forehead, "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" clearly filled with concern

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