Ch. 6

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Ryuk: How should I start this chapter?

Nick: I have absolutely no clue

Ryuk: ya never do

**** **** *****


"I think I need to get my head checked" Kong thought out loud to himself

"You're just figuring this out" Em joked

"Go away I was talking to myself"

"All the more reason to get checked out" Em winked proud at himself for that joke.

Kong grabbed his bag and walked away, if he wasn't so occupied with his thoughts he could have appreciated the humor.

It's been a week and with his currently blotchy memory and confusing nightmares, not to mention the ever so unreliable best friend, Kong is once again wondering if street side guy is real or a figment of his imagination. He knew he saw him, Em saw him too but lately Kong hasn't been able to tell if what he sees or says is real. Since that first and last time, he hasn't seen the guy at school and no one seems to know where he is or talks about's like he doesn't exist. Got dammit The guy, whose name he now knows is Arthit, hasn't even been to hazing and no one seems concerned. Its like no one even noticed his absence is that even normal? there is definitely something fishy about this whole situation.

Narrator POV

Kong was deep into his thoughts when he turned the corner into someone, he staggered a little, he was then stabilized by two hands gripping his upper arms, he looked up and was a little stunned.

"P'Knott excuse me I wasn't watching where I was going" Kong quickly apologized

"It's ok nong, pay attention next time" Knott patted his shoulder

"I will Phi" Kong answered, " Oh P' I wanted to ask..." he was cut off by a group of four seniors who existed the room.

"Come on Ai'Giant" Bright flung his arm over Knott's shoulders

Kong stepped aside letting them pass as he locked eyes with Arthit, he stood slightly amused and very curious when he saw Arthit eyes flickered blue when they met his.

"You wanted to ask something nong?" Kong was drawn away from Arthit's eyes

"Uh?" He turned to Knott not fully recovered

"You were about to ask me something" Knott reminded him

"Oh right, never mind Phi I got my answer already" Kong smiled

"Ok then" Knott looked at him strangely, "Well we'll be off then, see you around and be sure to watch where you're going next time."

"OK Phi" Kong wai-ed

He watched as they left one by one all the while having and internal debate as to whether he should talk to Arthit are not...

...against all the logical reasons in his head he grabbed on to Arthit's wrist, nerves getting the best of him.

Arthit stopped in his tracks not turning around. He was barely able to keep his cool and now physical contact is pushing the limits. He looked up at the face that continuously haunted his thoughts.

"P'Arthit I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second?" Kong asked confident on the outside but a nervous wreck on the inside.

"Hmm" Arthit responded which added to Kong's nervousness.

"I...I...I was won...wondering" His brain to mouth connection was experiencing some technical difficulties.

"Speak up nong Kong we haven't got all day" Bright yelled impatiently

Kong looked around Arthit to see that they were being closely monitored by the entire Hazing team. This just added to his nervousness since he doesn't know how, what he was about to say would be received and would have preferred to do it without the spectators. But never-mind he has to fess up and work with what he got! feeling more confident, Kong took a deep breath, mentally conditioned himself and spoke.

"I was wondering how are you, like are you feeling better now? You were MIA for a bit." In the end Kong opted to play it safe. This was not the time or place.

If he is being entirely honest with himself, Arthit was disappointed to say the least, that that was what Kong asked. "I'm fine, listen we both have class, gotto go" What's the point in stretching out this encounter any further?

At the dorm

"How are you? Really!?" facepalm. "I mean could I have been any more pathetic?" I bet you guys was expecting a confession huh? "Damn I totally caved on that one. Where was Mr. Talk-Back-To-The-Head-Hazer when you need him?" Kong scolded himself.

He was frustrated by his lack of backbone when it mattered. Feeling like he needed to blow off some steam he decided to go shoot some hoops. Glancing at his phone he saw that its just after nine. He should be able to work off this steam and get back in time to do his assignments and get to bed and an appropriate time.

The basketball court was empty, a small blessing Kong appreciated at this given moment. He began shooting the hoops and with each miss he loss more and more of his composure. His frustration leaking out through his actions until it was no longer a game of shooting hoops but wildly throwing the ball at anything.

"Oi" The voice stopped his every action.

"Whatever did that poor ball do to you?" The voice asked coming closer.

"P'Arthit" Kong breath out the name then turned around.

Arthit stood there with an expectant face waiting for the answer to his earlier asked question.

"It's just I've been wanting to do something so bad but the timing never feels right and it's frustrating to think that the opportunity presented itself and I failed to take it." Kong said in one breath

Arthit blinked stunned.

"What?" Kong asked fearing he said too much.

"Well it's just, it's just you've never said so many things to me before. You tend to always just stare."

"Oh I'm sorry. never mind me Phi', by the way what are you doing out hear so late?" Kong retracted and redirected.

"I should be asking you that and nong... if the timing never feels right, make it right. what's the worst that could happen? You'll throw a basketball?"

"You're right. Phi' can you stay there for a second?" Kong asked as he ran over to his gym bag to retrieve something. He did what he had to and jogged back over to where Arthit was.

"Phi listen" Kong took a deep breath. "I like you, I like your aloofness, I like the way your eyes color changes sometimes, I think you're damn beautiful and I know this makes no sense because we don't know each other at all but I feel this lingering need to want to be around you and protect you and when we are in close proximity I feel like there is this faint magnetic pull towards you. I can't explain it and I know it's weird." Kong sighed then walked away not giving Arthit a chance to react.

Arthit watched as he walked over got his gym bag and stopped mid 'dramatic exit'. "Oh by the way" he threw the ball and Arthit caught it, "The ball's in you're court" he winked, nodded at the ball and walked away. Arthit looked down to see that earlier when he went to his gym bag Kong had written his phone number on the ball. Nicely played 0062

He has the next move.


Nick: Not Bad

Ryuk: heh could have been better

Nick: calm down it's fine

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