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the glimmering lady of the night

so smooth and silent does she glide

in her dark and velvet gown

strewn with pearls and petals around.

the broken wind draws her to me

she comes but to set me free

to break away from the chains of day

to let go of all the worries i pray.

for if sleep is truly the place of slumber

why does it not rest this heart of mine

for every night troubles of great number

reminds me of life's limited time.

so she shows me comfort,she gives me new doors

to see the living embers hidden in the shadows

i see the flames blinking and bobbing

in and ocean's ink, forever moving.

the powers of the sun rule not this domain

here i would gladly remain

away from the trials awakeness may bring

when consciousness departs, i long to cling.

to look up and speak of the beauty of showers

of sparks raining down from heavens bowers

to stare openly at the crystal tears

of Erebus himself, to know his fears.

oh but to share a place with the stars

nestled in his embrace, in oblivion's arms

and when he trades your soul for love, move not to fight

but take the fall and be held in the eyes of midnight.

oh i'm just another traveler lost in the waves

of vast and turbulent seas

tossing and riding forever amongst

sailing clouds of dreams.

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