Chapter 9 - Overhearing Zander

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***** Two Weeks Later - Dean's Point of View *****

Dean walked into the large lecture hall for his Marketing Management class and sat in a seat towards the back of the room that was already almost full.

He noticed Zander sitting two rows ahead of him wearing his coast guard uniform, talking to a guy sitting next to him that was wearing the same thing.

He overheard Zander's friend say, "We're throwing it down this weekend at the barracks and those fine ass honeys from Theta Kappa Nu are coming. You in bro?"

Zander said, "I don't know man. I'll think about it. I've been seeing this girl named Berkley for a couple weeks and things are starting to get pretty hot and heavy. I've been laying the groundwork if you know what I mean, laying it on real thick. We have long talks and go for walks on the beach and all that kind of sappy bullshit you have to do to get in a chick's pants. I think I'm almost in. It's probably gonna happen this weekend."

His friend gave him a fist bump and laughed, saying, "If I know you, you're gonna get it in for sure. The Zand Man never fails."

Zander shook his head. "I don't know dude. This has been a tough one to crack. She's a virgin."

"For real?" his friend asked with raised eyebrows. "So you really like this chick or what man?"

Zander shrugged.

"I mean, she's alright. She's hot but I've learned that pretty faces are a dime a dozen. If you've seen one hot chick you've seen 'em all. She's nothing special. It's not like I'm ready to get tied down to her or anything if that's what you're asking."

Dean could feel his anger rising.

Listening to this asshole talk about Berkley like that made him want to punch his face but he had promised Berkley he wouldn't scare this guy off like he always did the guys in high school. He promised he'd give her space. He was really regretting making that promise right now.

He just couldn't believe he said Berkley was nothing special. Was he blind? Berkley was gorgeous but in a natural way that didn't require makeup and fancy clothes. She was hilarious and playful and she knew about cars and she could kick any guys' ass on video games that she came across. She was so easy to talk to and she was a great listener and she was way more laid back and easy going than any other woman he had ever met. How could he not think she was special?

He fought the urge to walk over there and tell Zander what a piece of shit he was and how wrong he was about Berkley not being special. He couldn't do that because he had made her a promise not to do anything to scare this guy off and he planned to keep it. He was going to have to figure out another way to get her away from this douchebag without kicking his ass, even though nothing would've made him happier than punching that cocky smirk off his face right then and there.

***** Berkley's Point of View *****

Berkley finished her last class of the day and went back to her dorm room and collapsed on the bed, feeling so thankful it was finally Friday. She had only been in college for two weeks but it felt more like two months. She was already overloaded with projects and assignments and it was a lot harder to keep up with all of it than it had been back in high school.

Her door swung open and Dean walked in and plopped down onto her bed next to her.

"Hey slut," she said, rolling up on her side to face him, propping her head up with her bent arm.

"Hey prude," he said, turning on his side to face her too. "Hey, I was thinking we should go away this weekend and do something fun since we have a three day weekend."

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