Chapter 7 - The Date

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"Wow. You look beautiful," Zander said, looking Berkley up and down before he walked forward and bent his head down to kiss her cheek, handing her a single red rose.

"Awww, thank you," she told him with a smile, taking the rose from him and sniffing it. The only guy that had ever bought her flowers before was her Dad, so that made it feel even more special.

Then Zander reached out and slid his hand into hers, leading her towards the parking lot.

Holding his hand made her heart beat faster and she smiled over at him and he smiled back, looking into her eyes.

He led her over to a motorcycle and picked up a helmet that was on its seat, holding it out to her.

"Oh," she said, taken aback. "Wait a minute. This motorcycle is yours? And we're using it for our date?"

"Yeah. Why do you sound so shocked?" he laughed. "Haven't you ridden one before?"

"No," she said, shaking her head and letting out an exhale as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "My Dad would never let me. He said they were too dangerous. One of his best friends in high school died in a motorcycle accident, so he's always been against them."

Zander looked back and forth around him. "Well I don't see your Dad here," he told her with a devilish grin, continuing to hold out the helmet to her.

She hesitated before slowly reaching out her hand and taking it from him, even though it felt wrong. She knew her Dad would kill her if he found out.

She pulled the helmet down onto her head and then Zander helped clip it under her chin before putting on his own helmet. He flipped his leg over the bike, sitting down onto it and then patting the seat behind him.

"Hop on," he said with a smile and she slowly walked over there and flipped her leg over the motorcycle, sitting down behind him but leaving a large space between them.

She felt a pang of guilt in her gut, and she couldn't help but feel like a bad daughter. She was too embarrassed to tell Zander she didn't want to ride and she was afraid he wouldn't like her if she didn't.

"You're gonna have to scoot closer and wrap your arms around my waist so you don't fall off," he told her, so she scooted closer to him and hesitantly wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling his tight stomach underneath her hands.

He started the motorcycle up with a rumble and she could feel the vibration of the engine underneath her as he started slowly walking it backwards and then he gave it some gas as they headed out of the parking lot.

She could feel the warm air whipping against her face as he drove along the coastline and she really wished she hadn't worn a dress. She tried to pull it down the best she could with one hand while keeping a hold of Zander with the other, but the air kept making it ride up. She was sure she was flashing her underwear at the cars behind them.

She gradually relaxed when she realized the motorcycle wasn't as scary as she thought it would be. If anything it was actually relaxing, which was a surprise. He finally pulled up to a deserted beach and killed the engine, taking his helmet off.

"I thought we could go for a walk here," he told her before they both got off the bike and he helped her take off her helmet.

The last glow of the sun disappeared under the horizon, meaning it would be dark soon. They both slipped off their shoes and he took her hand, feeling the squishy sand between their toes as they started walking along the deserted beach.

"So I feel like I should already know this, but how old are you?" Berkley asked with a laugh.

"I just turned twenty. How old are you?" he asked her back.

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