Chapter 6: Hundred Percent Loyal Maneg

Start from the beginning

Alice put her finger on the word 'Efficiency,' "Efficiency is the amount of maneg performing an order retaining itself after every break-off." She pointed at Owen, who was still bickering with the grinning templar. "Owen's efficiency is 90% meaning every two seconds 10% of the initial maneg performing level two [Iceball] breaks off.

"In conclusion, every two seconds 10% of the maneg expended for [Iceball] from the initial amount breaks off thereby after ten break-offs all maneg abandons the order. So, the iceball lasts twenty seconds, or it hits something."

"I see," Alicia said in understanding. "So then what is loyal maneg?"

"To simply put, the original contents of your soul that was turned into maneg."

"My what?"

"...To help you understand, think of your soul like a glass of water where the water is the 'lifeforce' that makes our souls 'alive' and the glass is its 'container.' When the Maneg Soul merges with your soul, it 'compresses' the water."

"Um, water cannot be compressed."

"Please do not nitpick that detail." Alice deadpanned. "Anyway, with your soul compressed, this gives room for disloyal maneg while the original becomes loyal maneg.

"On a side note, this causes beings who can perceive souls or anything similar would get the impression that a Court Wizard's soul is incomplete, yet at the same time is complete.

"However, it seems that this was not the case for you."

"So is that why my Order did not end until it hits Owen's shield?" Alicia asked. She was unsure what the Order Owen had used.

"Yes, because it is your original soul, so it will never leave you and has a hundred percent efficiency. It also will not tire after performing an Order, unlike disloyal maneg."

"I see..."

"But the thing is, Maneg Souls will always use disloyal maneg so the use of loyal maneg is difficult. But it appears that because you are incapable of storing disloyal maneg, your Maneg Soul must have been forced to use your loyal maneg and treating it as one.

"Also, this is about how we count maneg in a Maneg Soul. For example, if a Maneg Soul has forty percent loyal maneg and sixty percent disloyal; when we say twenty percent disloyal maneg was used, it refers to twenty out of sixty, not twenty percent of sixty which is um..."


"Yes, twelve. Thank you, Alicia. And the same applies to loyal maneg. Also, we never count the raw numerical amount of maneg we can store. It is the percentages that matter."

"I see. I will keep that in mind."

"Good, do you have any questions?"

"Hmm..." Alicia understood so far, but there was something that nags her. Ah, it was that. "I do have something I need to ask."

"What is it?"

"It is about the voice that I believe came from my Maneg Soul."

"Huh?" Apparently, Alice did not expect that. "A voice from your own Maneg Soul?"

Alicia then proceed to explain from when she got kidnapped and then watched as her friend gets stabbed repeatedly-

"Eh! Owen got what!?"

"Wha! Uh..."

"Sorry, please continue."

Moving on. As Owen got stabbed repeatedly. She hears a voice telling her to take its power which she then proceeds to burn the rope bounding her and attacked the kidnappers.

Wizards of the Otherworldly Court: Alicia Part 1Where stories live. Discover now