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His eyes twitched a little. This voice was irriating his ears. He tried to open his eyes but was unable to do so. He again tried and after a little bit of struggle, he was successful. But this light... oh god.. it was blinding his eyes. He shut them again. He opened up his eyes again and was blinked a few times.

"Was he dead?"
He asked himself. And then he turned his eyes to other direction and saw a beautiful face. An angelic innocence was spread on her face.

"Ohk! So is this what angels look like?"
He again asked from himself again.

He then looked at himself again. Covered up in bandages was his head. Oxygen line was attached to his nose causing a little irritation. His hands were swelled up due to iv drips. His one leg was broken. He tried to get a good view of his leg.

"If I am dead, then why am I feeling pain?"
His thoughts were endless.

"Ahh.. I know I am dead for sure. Maybe in heaven they have built hospitals too. I mean who escapes out alive after jumping from 16th floor!"
He again thought. And then his gaze again shifted to that angel. Hey... she was dressed up in white apron. So, she is an angel doctor. Great progress heaven people.

"How can you be so sure that you went to heaven only! What if this will be hell!"
His mind exclaimed at him.
"Are look at this angel! She can't be from hell!"
His heart consoled him.

He again looked at that innocent beauty. Dressed up in green kurta and white cigerrette pants, her hair in loosse braid, sans makeup, she was looking like a real angel. Because only angels can look these beautiful without makeup too, sujata chachi was an exception though.

Remembering Sujata chachi caused him to remember his life on earth well.
"Will she be crying? Of course, she will be crying her heart out! She had definitely got news in America."
His heart ached remembering the face of Sujata crying.

He felt tear building up in his eyes. He wanted to wipe those when he felt a deep pain as he tried to move his hand.
This caught the attention of the angelic figure who was sitting near him.
"Are you alright?" These words caused a tingling in his ears. Her voice was angelic in a true sense.
"Yes angel!" His reply made her look at him in amazement.
"Angel? Where is angel?"
"You? Aren't you?"
She looked at him with concern.
"See I am Dr Swara Bose."
"Oh... doctor from heaven right!"

Swara frowned a little. She looked at him and pressed the bell placed there. He looked at her in amazement.
His trance was broken when he saw Laksh coming inside the room trying to fix his spectacles properly.

"Means I did not die?" This question his heart asked from his mind.
Before his mind could answer, laksh came and hugged him. His tears were wetting his pillow.
"Why bhai? Why?" These were the only words he could mutter while crying hard.
"Lucky! Don't cry!" He knew these words will increase his anger.
"Don't cry... bhai.. how on earth...." he could not complete his sentence and broke down again.
"Laksh! Leave him! He needs to understand this time. Leave him all alone by himself. This is his punishment." A middle aged man came in between.

"Aah.. so mr durga prasad maheshwari is here too. How could he not be. My father, a man of morals, it's true. One of the leading movie director, whose movies are epitome of cultural values. How can he tolerate a single stain on his reputation!" His heart and mind combined thoughts pounched on his conscious.

"No bade papa! I always followed your orders. But I won't follow this time. Bhaiya needs me. He needs us. Please try to understand." This time laksh snapped at Durga prasad.

"Ahem ahem" The angellic voice tried to make them understand her presence.
"Dr laksh, please you both go outside. First examination of patient is needed right now."

Laksh and durgaprasad were standing outside of the ward. Laksh was holding his head and Durga prasad was wiping away his tears. He suddenly broke down and sat on the bench. Had laksh been not there, he would have been slipped on the floor.

"My fault Laksh! Everything is my fault!" He removed his spects and wiped his tears. " I tried my best to give him everything that he desired but forgot to give him my time."

His sobs were continuously echoing in the corrodor. Laksh kept his hand over his.
" no bade papa! It's not completely your fault. He just misunderstands you." Laksh patted his head.

A guard came near them.
" sir, as you said, we have guided media that sir has gone to London for learning British accent."
Dp nodded. He again looked at Laksh.
" this girl, swara, who is she?" He asked laksh.
"Dr Swara Bose. A well known psychaitrist. Very hard working girl. She was my junior in college times." Laksh laughed a little laugh. " who knew earth is round! See.. had she not parked her car at the wrong place, the truck filled with mattress would not have stopped and fought with her."

"Oh.. so the truck driver was fighting with swara only. Thanks to this fight, my son fell over the 7 mattresses placed one above another. It was only due to the spring action, he fell on the road breaking his body" dp laughed a little at this luck of his son.

Swara came outside. Laksh smiled at her.
"The checkup is going on. I have asked about his mental state. He is fine now but he needs to be evaluated more. You need to go to a good psychiatrist."

Dp folded his hands. " dr Bose.. today my son is alive just because of you." His tears were telling his story.
Swara smiled." Sir, it was destiny. Please don't say these words. And don't fold your hands in front of me. Elders don't look good doing these things."

Dp found this behaviour too beautiful. She was really very humble. Even if someone talked to her for a few minutes only, he would have remembered her for life time. He turned and looked at the retreating figure of her going out of hospital.

Laksh was confused by dp's behaviour "bade papa! What  happened?"
"This girl Laksh! Destiny will make us meet her once again for sure."

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