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So, uh, yeah, that's it, I guess.

I had a lot of fun writing this, and since it started out as a kind of brainchild between me and a friend I'm glad to see it completed (for the second time haha).

This was a rewrite of Phoenix, which you can find on my profile though I highly suggest you don't read it, and for those readers who have read the original and now this, please give me feedback! Constructive criticism, about characters, plotlines, concepts, themes discussed, pacing of events, writing style, anything really. Or if you really don't have anything to say, you can click on that little button that says "vote"...?

Haha, so this was Emblems and it's finished, but don't worry I'll still be writing (if I find the time, maybe in between classes). And my writing style is, like, always under construction and heavy development, so I might come back and edit a little, no promises. 

Again, feedback please, comment down below, vote if you have nothing to say, and thank you all so much for reading! Thanks for sticking with this and thanks for any constructive criticism in advance! :D


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