Chapter 4: Special Friend

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Chapter 4: Special Friend

BEING CALLED TO THE OFFICE had been a relief. Somehow, everyone had heard about the fiasco the day before, and how he had supposedly taken down a monstrous Demon with four heads and ten-foot long fangs by himself. He didn’t bother correcting them though.

"Are your clothes okay? We got a teleporter to pick them up at your house," said Christopher. Amber stood in front of him, clad in different clothes than the day before.

She didn't say anything. Daniel cast an eye over her frame. It was no wonder that he’d been able to hold her down so easily the night before. He was a head taller, and her limbs looked too skinny to be healthy. But she seemed to have lost her fiestiness overnight – her head was down and her auburn hair shadowed her face. She had not met any of their gazes since she came in.

Christopher smiled, somehow managing the fatherly look despite Amber’s standoffishness, and gave her a slip of paper. "Here's a map of Camp. You're in the Air cabin, and we'll find a training buddy for you soon. Now you can go eat breakfast at the cafeteria, but make sure you sit at your cabin's table."

With the barest of nods, Amber left.

Just as Daniel was going to step out the door, Kurt’s voice stopped him. “Daniel, wait.” He went to stand by Kurt’s side as he looked out the window. “Watch.”

From the office, they could see the breakfast time crowd streaming towards the cafeteria. Daniel’s stomach growled, but neither of the Daron twins glanced his way. Together, they watched Amber follow the flow of the crowd, a lone figure that didn’t laugh or goof off with others.

Word had already spread about the new kid at Camp, so Daniel wasn’t surprised when people started going up to her, introducing themselves, laughing and chattering. But he was surprised when she brushed them off, sidling away or ducking beneath an outstretched hand to disappear among the horde of teens. After a while she vanished under the doorway of the cafeteria.

Christopher turned to him. “What do you think?”

“She won’t make many friends, that’s for sure. Doesn't seem like one for socialising,” Daniel answered.

“Well, we want you to make friends with her,” said Kurt. Daniel blinked at him. The reserved camp leader only spoke when it was a serious matter, but now he sounded like he was joking. Kurt continued, “She is an Air Adept, I’ve read the signs off her already. But at the same time… she has something I’ve never seen before. I don’t know what it is, but something’s off about her.”

Daniel shook his head, knowing that he looked skeptical. “Are you sure, Kurt? She seems okay to me. Maybe a little hostile, but that’s fine.”

Christopher joined the conversation. “Kurt’s powers don’t lie. But she doesn’t to know yet, since we’re not sure ourselves. We’ll have to ask the Delegates to confirm it. They’d know better than either of us. For now, someone has to be her training buddy and find out how much she can do.”

He shifted his gaze from one camp leader to the other, and back again. Christopher had that fatherly smile on again. Daniel sighed.

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