Chapter 1: Take the Bait

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Chapter 1: Take the Bait

“WHAT DID YOU SEE?” THE words were venomous, spat out like they were disgusting.

“Leave me alone!” she sobbed, though her voice was steady and indignant.

Calida bent down and backhanded her across the face. It was a stinging slap, one that made Amber curl into the corner, drawing her knees up into her chest. “What did you see?” The same question all over again.

“Nothing! What does it matter to you anyway?” she bit out. She had no urge to wipe the tears of pain off her face. Amber felt her hands curl at their place on her knees.

Then Calida kicked her in the abdomen and Amber grunted, covering the injured area with her arm. The girl suddenly yanked at her hair, forcing Amber to look up at her. “Tell me what you know,” she demanded once more.

In response, Amber reached up and grasped the girl’s sleeve. She ripped it down Calida’s shoulder, revealing tints of black and blue that were obvious even on her coffee-coloured skin. “I saw you changing in your room last night.”

“Pervert!” Calida jerked away, rubbing at her shoulder. Her wince was almost imperceptible, but Amber caught it.

“Not really.” Amber shrugged from her supine position. “I was suspicious when I started noticing how you wince when people ask about your dad, and when your boyfriend touches your shoulder, you lean away. You have a popular girl rep, but you never hold parties at your house, or introduce anyone to your dad. Your dad is bea—”

“Shut up!” The exclamation was followed by another kick at her stomach. She curled into herself, not just to protect her abdomen, but to hide her triumphant smile. Amber allowed herself to be pulled to her feet by the collar of her shirt. “Listen closely,” Calida breathed in her ear. “If you dare to tell anyone about this, I will make your life hell. I will tear your reputation to shreds. I will destroy every scrap of you till you have nothing left.” There was a fleeting, poisonous smile and then she was walking away, head still head high.

“So he is beating you.” Amber called after her. She didn’t know why Calida was so intent on keeping the abuse a secret, but it didn’t matter, as long as she would take the bait. Bracing a hand against the wall, Amber stood up, swaying slightly.

She whipped around. “You won’t have any friends. You will be lonely and empty and not worth a thing to anyone. Trust me, I can take away everything.” That said, she stalked away, oblivious to Amber’s bitter smile.

Wrong, I’m afraid. I already have nothing to lose. Her words went unsaid.

The next day, the whole neighborhood was buzzing with the scandalous news. “Did you hear? Oh my goodness, Dr. Sanchez—”

“I don’t believe it! The man’s too respectable for this nonsense.”

“It’s true! The police said so. Child abuse, it was.”

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