After finishing my dinner I collected a piece of paper and a pen. "Wanna help me with something?" I ask Yuki. He turned to me confused, then he nods. "I'm going to write a song, but I not the whole thing yet. Will you help me with a few parts?" I ask while looking down at the paper. "Of course!" He day with a bright smile.

"Can you give me a random date please?" I ask while looking down at the paper. "How about third of December?" He says. I nod my head and write it down. I stop writing then look up to him again. "Can you give me a random name?" I ask him, he thinks for a moment then lights up. "What about Heather? It's a different around here." He explains, I nod my head again and continue writing. I stop again, but this time I don't ask a question for the song.

"Wanna hear it so far?" I say to him, only for him to nod enthusiastically. "Sing it please! Tohru tell me all about you voice!" He yells. He quiets down as I clear my throat. "I'll try."

I still remember,
Third of December
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better

On me, then it did you
Only if you knew
How much I liked you
But I watched you eyes, as she

Walks by
What a sight for
Sore eyes
Brighter then a
Blue sky
She's got you
While I die

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Wish I were heather.

"That's all I have right now and I need to add more after that part of the song." explain to Yuki as he sits there shocked. "You have beautiful voice!" He yells. I shush him as I don't want people to hear. We talk for a bit until we both yawn towards each other. "We should head to bed." He says as he rubs his eyes. "I'll see you off tomorrow." He continues as he walks out the door and closes it.


Today is the day I go back to school. The day I go back to class. The day I see him with her. Let's just say I'm not that excited to go back, but I want to. My bag was packed, Shota was coming to pick me up for school. Present mic is with 1-A for English class. While making the bed the door opens. Yuki and Shota walk into the room. I turn around and go to grab my stuff, only for Yuki to stop me.

"You have to take it easy for the next few days." He says to me before he hugs me tight. "Come visit me once in a while, before stuff happens please." Yuki continues. I hug him then whisper in his ear. "Look up on YouTube 'TheMaskedFox' you'll find something familiar about it." He nods his head and smiles. Shota grabs my bag and we head out.


"English is nearly finished, I have the next class so you should come in with me." He tells me. I nod as we wait in the teachers lounge. I begin to play some mobile games until we hear the bell go off. Shota gestured to get up, so I did. We walk down the hall towards the classroom and He walks in first.

Breathe, Breathe. I calm down from the small stress high i just had. I open the door and walk in just walking straight to my desk and listening to the lesson. That wasn't that bad, I didn't get questions about where I was or if I was okay. I take my notes for the class and then the bell went telling us it was lunch. That class went fast.

Suddenly I'm swarmed with questions and surrounded by my classmates.

"Where were you!?"

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