heres your muffin[chpt 3]

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[Let's not waste time here people.
I know that you came her for a story not for my non sense rambleing❤]

Your pov

I rolled over and stretched my arms, just to smack my elbow against the wall with a hefty



I was cut off by a notification on my phone. I reached my sore arm over the side of the bed were my phone was charging.
I rolled over and powered my phone on to see it was from twitter.

It was..
A mention from badboyhalo?!?!?

I blinked over and over again to see if my vision was failing me.
My cheeks started turning pink as I stared at the words before actually clicking it. After a but I finally clicked it and read what it said.

"Hey muffins! I meeting up with my friend t/u! She was the lovely person in the stream yesterday. So I might post a couple pics of me and her today!"

Amidiatly like a brick to the face.. it hit me.

I'm meeting up with him today!!!

How could I have possible forgotten what might be the most amazing momment of my existence?!?

I jumped out of bed and noticed a visible bruise forming on my arm due to my stupidity of me slamming it against the wall.

I ran to my closet and threw on clothes I liked and ran to go pack up the muffins in the kitchen.
As I packed them up I grabbed one and grabbed my half charged phone looking at the time.

IT WAS 1:45!!

I amidiatly called badboyhalo as I grabbed a muffin and held it with my mouth as I began to run to the location we agreed to ..
his house.
As I was running he finally answered and said in his normal voice filled with joy.

"You arent forgetting the muffins are you?!"

"GASP! Am I only muffins to you?! Am I only one big muffin?!"

"I'm excited to see you 2! <3 I just really want muffins."

I giggled as I told him I was on my way.
And hung up the phone.

[Time skip brought to you by

I finally made it to the door and
Reached my hand up to knock.

Knock knock

I heard commotion from the other side as I heard bbh hurrying to the door .

Suddenly he threw the door open.

His dirty blond hair was fluffed up like it had just been brushed. And his green eyes filled with joy as he wrapped his arms around me tightly lifting me off the ground.

badboyhalo x reader COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now