OCs Profile (part 1)

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Name: Martinez Sora (last, first)

National: half-Mexican and half-Japanese

Occupation: Student at UA

Class: 1-A hero course

Birthday: February 14 (no one knows his birthday but his family and Ichiro)

Age: 5-7 (beginning of the story)
14 (middle school)
15 (high school)

Height: 6'0 ft (182 cm)

Looks: he is very tall^^^ and has muscles but he is not really bulky. He has tan skin. He has brown curly hair with natural blue streaks that reaches under his ear and is very unruly. Has gold eyes with some turquoise highlights.

Personality: Is kind/friendly, calm and down-to-earth but is super lazy because of his quirk (he gains energy by eating and sleeping but he doesn't want to eat all the time so he chooses to sleep and food gives him mayor energy). When he gets angry you better run away but he rarely gets angry. Don't Wake Him Up. You will die, only selected people can wake him up and that includes:his mom, dad, siblings and Ichiro (the list will grow as the story goes) but sometimes he lets people wake him up for important things so he ask first and then gets angry if needed. Sora is very ambitious even though he does not show it. Sora is very protective of people he cares about and would do anything to keep them safe. He also likes protecting those that need to be protected. Has a thing for cute things. He is very good at cooking and taking care of trouble makers (has 2 younger siblings) He is very good at both Spanish and Japanese. He is also very good at dealing with very mean and prideful people.

Likes: food (mostly spicy and sweet), his family and friends, cute things, rice, pocky, playing the bass and guitar (very good at it), reading and learning new things, animals, pro hero 13, Kurosaki Ichiro (best friend)

Dislikes: super super sour foods, not being able to play the bass, nor being able to protect/help others, not being able to be useful, not understanding something

Sexuality: Gay

Crush: Bakugou 

Quirk: slime - the user has two forms, human and slime - in slime form they cannot get any physical damage and can "eat" people to protect them, he can also carry them inside his endless stomach. He can also go switches between a liquid form and solid form, he doesn't like his solid form because it can break and hurt him(<--slime form) in human form he can transform with the help of the slime substance skin-like as long as he at least has to swallow others DNA (eg. He can eat the hair of a dog and transform to it, if he eats a person's hair he will look like them but not act or have the persons quirk) He can also produce sticky or slippery goo/slime and control it. (eg. He can choose a limb to turn into slime (or just grab a piece of slime that came from his body and control it) and control it like a whip but sturdier can lift and move heavy things) Slime may not look like it but is very strong and stretchy.
(If you don't understand something let me know, his quirk is hard to explain and is he to op? Cause I don't want to make him too overpowered) He is good at martial arts.

Drawbacks - requires a lot of energy and food, Sora has to eat or sleep a lot to keep his energy going if not he runs out of energy and he will pass out (his energy storage can improve if he improves his stamina). He doesn't like the cold but will fight in cold harsh weather or against people with an ice-base quirk but that doesn't mean he is weak against cold weather or quirks. As well transformations take a lot of energy from him. He is very weak against fire and when against someone with a fire quirk, even if he is in his slime form, he will get burned

Status (will go up or down depending on what happens in the story)
Power - 4.5/5 A-
Speed - 3.5/5 C
Technique - 3/5 C
Stamina - 3/5 C - (Even though he trains he does not have the greatest stamina and this affects his energy, it will improve in the future)
Intelligence - 6/5 S
Cooperatives - 4.5/5 A-

Skills ( the ones with this √ mark he already knows them and will be updated when he learn them or when he learns new special abilities (can you help me with those please, thank you)):

Enhance Sensors: though he cannot see in his slime form, he can sense the heat coming from living things, he is like a Passive Infrared (PIR) human sensor. He also has very good hearing and sight not only in his slime for but human form √
replication: Can create a single clone out of his slime but his power slips between the two.
Glutton: can "eat" a thing/person and examine it (does not kill it/them) has to stay inside for 10 second √
Stomach: in his slime form his stomach is endless but to keep that he has to, in human form, eat or sleep a lot to keep it going and gain more energy √
Danger Detection: A skill that allows him to sense the atmosphere to detect danger. (like a six sense) (he knows it but can't control it and is random, sometimes it'll happen sometimes it won't) √
Shape: He can shape his slime to whatever form he wants. Example, he can use his slime to create wings to fly or sharp claws (in his solid-form) and use them how he sees fit. Doesn't use it a lot cause it takes not much energy (he will accidentally learn this in the sports festival)
States of matter: He can change stage of matter from solid, to liquid, and to gas. So far he can control solid. Liquid and gas he has not discovered. 
Support body armor: Sora can create armor for himself or for others by wrapping himself as slime and protecting them. (He does this momentarily with Deku and Bakugou, this is also a ultimate move).

(some of these skills are from the anime "That time I got reincarnated as a slime" which I recommend so I take no credit for them, I might of changed the description of the skill because I did not want to make him too overpowered and his quirk is also based on the main character of the anime that I mentioned)

Hero Name: ???


Dad - Martinez Máximo (age 44) - Alive - Mexican - birthday December 10 - Brown curly hair with golden eyes - works as a marine biologist quirk - liquid: allows him to turn into any liquid and flow around (eg. If he is in the water he can turn into H2O and be like flow around the water without merging with the other liquid and thanks to this he can absorb and examine the liquid he is in) - He worries a lot about his family, he is very kind and gentle and rarely gets angry

Mom - Martinez Sage (age 40) (maiden name: ???) - Alive- Japanese - birthday January 1 - Blue hair with turquoise eyes - works, she was a model but later became a famous book writer. Quirk: Solid Flame: it makes Sage's skin shiny and smooth by burning the blackheads, pimples, and wrinkles so she is very beautiful
(It's called solid flame because one cannot sense the flame but feel it if touch the skin) - she is very polite and nice but once she opens up to you she is very childish and goofy, she loves her children and will support them no matter what

Twin siblings (boy and girl) - Martinez Haru & Hanako (age 6) - alive - birthday March 19 - they are very nice and polite at first but when someone is talking bad about someone else they become demons. They also love their brother very much. They once tried to attack Sora's classmate. They look up to their brother

Haru (brother) - blue hair and golden eyes - elementary student - quirk: Magma - gives him the ability to create magma and lava and he is fireproof
Hanako (sister) - Brown hair and turquoise eyes - elementary student - quirk: Water Manipulation - allows her to manipulate water and can breathe underwater

Mother's side family (will be known late on in the story)
Uncle - Unknow
Cousins (multiple) - Unknown
Sisters-in-law - Sage's sister-in-law loves Sage and her family and they always visit her since she(the sister-in-law) doesn't live with her family
Sora knows that relationship between Sage and her side of her family and does not asks much about it but he does know that Sage's mother and brother rejected her so he hates them, except the sisters-in-law, after an accident he visits her and talks to her with out her parents knowing. He doesn't know who his uncle and cousins are due to his hatred of not wanting to ever meet them.
Dang is hard to explain things with out using a name and do not worry you'll eventually learn who it is

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