Chapter 4

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Josie's POV

We just arrived at the woods that Freya said Hope was at but it's a much bigger area then we expected, "We'll go in pairs" my dad said "Me and Lizzie go one way and Josie and Freya go the other."

We all agreed so Me and Freya took the west while my dad and Lizzie took East. My dad gave each pair a walkie-talkie so that we can communicate with each other if we found her.

Hope's POV
This has been the worst hour of my life, I kept on going in and out of consciousness every minute the horrible pain of a stake going in a random part of my body. This might sound bad, but the worst part is it never hits my heart.

After about 30 minutes he came down and took the stakes out, which gave me momentary relief but that didn't last long because before my wounds could heal another stake flew into my right shoulder. About 5 minutes after he went upstairs I heard a loud noise but before I could make sense of it a stake flew into my upper stomach and everything went black

Josie's POV

After a couple more minutes of walking I ran,into this weird bunker. Like a house but more secure so and I called Freya over and she called my dad and Lizzie. Freya did a spell that transported them to us and we busted into the bunker. We found a man who was looking at us both shocked and scared but in seconds Freya had him on his knees screaming,"Where is my niece!?" Freya started screaming at him.

I started looking around for Hope then I saw stairs "Down here" I pointed at the stairs.

Before anyone could say or do anything I ran downstairs and what I saw before me, made me scream.

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