The Little Dove Is On Wattpad!

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Hello again you crazily perfect readers!

The Little Dove has been published!! I was so very excited for this story because it truly collects a great deal amount behind the history of this company, of this family I created and is vital for the development of the story. I can assure you, that while the first chapter looks eerily similar to that of Poppy's, the story is so much more intense and has far greater stakes compared to Poppy and Maximus' story. If you liked this story, you're going to love Melanie's, I encourage you to give it a go, you won't be disappointed.

The Lone Dove has become an incredibly important book to me, I started out completely new to this process and just wanting to find something new in my life when happiness is just that difficult to come by. This book, this series means everything to me, because it has helped me grow, as cliche as that sounds, I have learnt so much from your feedback and your support in this process for me. I want to thank all of you so much for giving this series a chance. Never know, one day in the future, I might get the chance to post an announcement about publishing this series.

That would set me on fire. I'm telling you.

Let me know what you all think of this book!! Your reads, votes and comments mean the absolute world to me!!

Cheers, darkblonde1

The link to the story is in my bio, you won't miss it.

See you there.

The Lone Dove #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now