"Sure...have fun!"

After about one minute, I set down the mixer and tip-toed up the stairs.

"Louis, hurry, she thinks I'm brushing my teeth, I don't know how long she'll believe it"

The muffled voice came from my room?

I put my ear to the door and closed my eyes. I think that if I close my eyes I can hear better...yeah, I don't think it actually works but whatever.

"Fine. I just wanted to tell you that I'm-I'm worried about Sky, like she had a total panic attack last night"

"Yeah? I thought she was getting better...what happened?"

"Well, I was just walking by when I heard her talking to herself, I think. Then she like couldn't stop crying. Then she kind of fell asleep in my...arms. Sorry about that"

"It's ok, we aren't like 'going out' or anything"

"You sure?" Louis sassily asked.

"Louis" Zayn sharply responded. "Yeah? Is that it? Don't freak but she used to do that all the time like a week ago"

"Really? That sucks, she should probably see someone then. Like I am worried for her. Anyway, she woke up today and ran to the bathroom. I think she is sick because she threw up. Then she freaked when she saw me this morning."

"Hmm, that is weird. I will ask her when we go back down. Do you think she has the flu?"

"I asked her, she told me she probably just ate something bad. Oh, and what was even weirder was that she mentioned something in her sleep last night."

I was about to clamber down the stairs to finish making the pancakes when I stopped.


What the hell did I say last night?

"Hmm...what'd she say?"

"First she mentioned the name 'Matt' and 'Jim'...aren't those the ones who kidnapped her?"

"Yeah...she must have had a bad nightmare then...shit, I wish I was there for her" Zayn muttered.

I smiled at his kindness.

"Yeah, but then she said...she said Harry's name"

Oh shit.


"Yeah, I know"

"What'd she say about him??" Zayn pestered Louis.

"I don't know, she mumbled a lot. Sorry."

"I-it's ok. I-I think I will go down. I have been 'brushing my teeth' for like ten minutes now. Don't want her to get suspicious." Zayn fake-chuckled and went to reach for the door.

I squealed and ran as fast as I could down the stairs.

"Shit, Sky, um" I told myself as I frantically figured out what I was going to say when they came down and found no pancakes.

"Sorry that took so long, Sky, I was just caught up reading some texts...where's the pancakes?" Zayn asked as he sauntered into the room.

"Um...I couldn't find any....sugar?"

Zayn looked at me funny.

"We already put the sugar in, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I guess I forgot"

"So you spent ten minutes-"

"Yeah, I know, I'm stupid" I pretended to fake-be offended.

Zayn walked over to me and pulled me closer to him.

Help Me, Please? *One Direction Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now