Light Him Up, Up, Up!

Start from the beginning

'I'm sorry.' Kate finally yet reluctantly says and I've heard slugs with more sincerity than that.

What is this woman's problem? She burns elven people to the ground, killing innocents, killing children! Some of whom weren't;t even werewolves and she isn't sorry? I wonder how she would feel of I burned her whole family, oh I forgot this is Kate Argent. She probably won't feel anything. Peter takes in a breath and then his sharp claws rake across Kate's neck opening deep bleeding slashes. Blood splatters the wall and Kate falls onto the floor motionless and her eyes stare into the distance, emotionless and cold. 

'I don't know about you but that apology didn't sound very sincere.' Peter says looking at Allison. Peter takes a step forward only to be greeted with my foot hitting his nose, there's a loud crack sound and blood starts pouring from his nose. 

'Get out of here! Run!' Scott yelled to Allison behind me has Peter straightens up looking at the blood on his hands.

'Now that's not very civilised Elena.'

'Your right, perhaps I should get how to be civil lessons from you, I mean you're the expert in it aren't you? Because killing innocents is so civilised.' I hiss.

'They weren't innocent, especially not Kate. Though you should now that shouldn't you.' Peter says and I can feel Scott's questioning look on my back but I ignore it. 

'Well I'm sure you and Kate have many story's to share in hell so I wan't keep her waiting!' I say and I lash out with my knife but he dodges.

Peter swipes at me with his claws but I duck down and I cut his calf as I come back up, I then jump into the air spinning around and kicking him through his face. He falls onto one knee and I kick him in his chest so that he falls backwards, I go to stab him but he grabs my wrist twisting it making me let my knife fall. He then grabs me around my throat and slams me into the wall his grip tightening with every second.

'You know it'd be a great pity to ruin this beautiful face.' Peter says his face way to close to mine for comfort. Then Peter is ripped off of me by Scotty boy and the two of them fall to the ground. 

Peter grabs Scott and throws him to the floor annoyed now circling his hand around Scott's neck. I throw my second knife and it embeds itself in Peters hand, I know the blade is to small to be able to pierce through Peter's entire hand and harm Scott so I didn't hesitate to throw it. Peter growls in pain turning to me. He plucks the knife from his hand and then punches Scott through the face before advancing towards me again. He swipes at me and I dodge each of them ducking down and kicking him in the groin, I then start running towards the door because I know I can't beat an alpha on my own not even with Scott's help.

 But Derek and Mr Argent is both out there so that might make the odds better, I hope. I never make it because Peter grabs the clear of my leather jacket palling me back and throwing me onto the floor. He wraps his hand around my neck and then throws me across the room and I slam into the wall. Peter slowly advances towards me growling with an insane look in his eyes. I don't back away, I don't whimper and I don't plead for my life. 

I just stare coldly into Peter's eyes. Peter raises his clawed hand to end my life, the claws stop a few inches fit my face as Peter's hand is stopped by someone. I look up to see a very angry Derek, Derek's hand is circled around Peter's wrist and he throws the psychotic alpha across the room and I flinch as Peter soars straight through the wall. This house really doesn't have a lot of good luck. 

'Get her out of here.' Derek tells Scott who comes over to me wrapping one of my arms around his shoulders and he helps me walk towards the door. I don't want to abandon Derek but I need to regain my strength otherwise I'll be more useful to him dead. 

I feel kinda disappointed in myself that I didn't do more damage to Peter and the fact that I'm technically running away now. But I'm not a supernatural werewolf that can heal within seconds and there's only so many times my body can be thrown around before enough is enough. I literally just need a minute and I'll be okay enough to at Keats defend myself against Peter...well at least I hope so. We make our way out of the house and Scott positions me against the wall on the porch he opens his mouth to says something but he's cut off when Derek flies out of the house landing in the front yard.

There's a deep and powerful howl meaning that Peter is gonna go full wolf on us within seconds, Scott runs into the house only to be fringed out too. I Struggle onto my feet as Peter exits the house in full alpha wolf form, he's taller, stronger and likes like a mutant wolf with glowing red eyes. I slowly kneel down picking up a think wooden stick knowing this'll probably not work but oh well. 

'Hey! Demon Dog! Hell's waiting for you!' I yell smashing the wooden stink over it's head and it just shatters into millions of pieces. Peter turns to look down at me with his glowing red eyes and I take that as my cue to run, so I did. I ran as fat as I can leaping from the porch, I fold myself into a ball mid air so that when I hit the ground I roll and then I'm back on my feet. I spin around to look at Peter trying to ignore the pain in my head, body and well the pain is just everywhere.

Derek and Scott start fighting the alpha again and I scale one of the trees my, I turn away from the alpha when I hear something like a car approaching and I see Jackson's porch pulling up. Stiles and Jackson steps out of it, I turn my attention back too the alpha as he flings Scott the one way and Derek the other. I then leap from the tree landing on Peter's wolf shoulders and I pull a wire from my watch wrapping it around Peter's neck, the wire is electrical and shock's Peter but the voltage isn't high enough to do much damage. 

Peter manages to fling me from his back and for the millionth time I go soaring through the air, my body collides with someone else's and the two of us topple over me on top of them. I struggle to push myself up and I look down to see I'm lying onto of Derek who stares up at me. I quickly roll off of him knowing a few seconds longer and I wouldn't have been able to look away from those green ocean wave eyes. Stiles then throws a bleaker at Peter, instead of doing what ever the bleaker should Peter manages to catch it.

Everyone stares at Peter in terror as he holds the bleaker, I get onto my feet and run towards him planning on breaking the bleaker myself if I have to. I can hear both Stiles and Derek calling out my name but I don't listen I just keep running. I never reach the bleaker though because Peter uses his other unoccupied arm to whack me aside and my body slams against the outside wall of the Hale house and I crumble to the floor groaning in pain. 

'Allison.' Scott yells as he throws her, her bow. She catches it and knocks an arrow into it drawing back the string and then releasing the arrow. 

The arrow causes the bleaker to shatter setting Peter's arm on fire. Peter stumbles trying to rid himself of the pain when a second bleaker crashes into him setting the rest of him on fire. Peter stumbles around growling and howling in pain and he slowly he turns back into his human form stumbling until he falls to the ground and the flames are extinguished. Derek then slowly starts making his way over to his uncle with the clear intent to end his life. Scott rushes forward clearly also realising what Derek's intent is.

'Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you, Derek if you do this I'm dead. Her father, her family...what am I supposed to do?' Scott asks.

But I knew no amount pleas or reasoning from Scott or any of us for this matter will stop Derek, the anger in his eyes, the betrayal makes it clear that Peter Hale will die by Derek's hand, pr well claws in this case. Peter says something to Derek that I couldn't hear and then he raises his clawed hand into the air slashing Peter's throat. Ending the mad wolf's pain and suffering, ending Peter Hale's life. Derek slowly turns around his eyes now glowing red as he looks at Scott.

'I'm the Alpha now.'

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