nineteen || back together

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"And no one could feel your hurt
We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love
But I know better now"


Cash's POV

After Laci says those two words, I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around her. I move our position so my back is against the door, legs spread with Laci in between them (not sexually you little perverts). She was curled up with her head in my chest and if it weren't for the circumstances, it would be the best thing in the world to have Laci like this. 

"You're okay," I whisper into her hair. I here Laci sniffle and feel something soak through my shirt. Knowing it's her tears, I run a hand through her hair and pull her closer. Her body has stopped shaking, but she holds a fistful of my t-shirt in her hand, worried that if she lets go, I'll disappear. 

"I'm not going anywhere," I whisper again. "You're okay."

"I don't know what happened," Laci hiccups and my heart hurts for her. 

"I know," I stroke her hair. "You're doing perfectly fine." We're silent for the next minute until the passenger side of my car opens and Faith hops in. I take that as my cue to slowly sit up with Laci still in my arms. 


Laci's POV

The rest of the car ride was silent. Cash insisted that I sit in the passenger side while he drives since there's more room for me up here then there is in the backseat. I've finally opened my eyes and I've been staring out the window, deep in my own thoughts.

Hudson did that. He could've gone farther. I have Cash, Faith, and Sadie to thank. I owe them my life, basically. I love them. Do I love Cash? Like that? Maybe? Boy's are awful. Except Cash. Well, I guess that answers my question. What do I do about daycare? Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Do I tell Anne? Who do I tell? No one? That seems right. 

I haven't had a panic attack in about a year. I was proud of myself for being able to handle my parents being away this long. 

Pulling into my driveway, Cash pokes my leg to let me know we're home. 

"Want me to come inside with you guys?" Cash whispers and Faith opens the car door.

"No, we're good. Thanks, Cash," Sadie says, following Faith out the backseat of the car.

"Thank you," I say, my voice hoarse. Cash nods and I step out of the passenger seat. Sadie and Faith are immediately by my side, helping me into the house. 

"I'm fine, guys. I think I'm just going to take a shower," I yawn in the process of speaking and make my way slowly up the stairs. I walk into my room right as my phone rings. Hudson's name pops up but I hit ignore. I can't deal with that right now. He calls again and again as I'm grabbing a pair of pajamas. I pick up the phone ready to let my anger out at him when he stops me.

"Wait! I know that you're about to yell but please, just hear me out," Hudson's voice is quiet through the phone.

"Fine. You have two minutes so you better start talking," my voice is shaky and I take a deep breath. 

"Not over the phone. I'm outside your house," I peek out my window to, in fact, see Hudson's car parked a few feet away from my house.

"You really expect me to come outside and talk to you in person after what you did?" I raise my voice and continue to stare at Hudson's car.

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