eleven || almost as if today was a special day

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"Sometimes I think I think too much
Can't stop, my thoughts come all at once

Maybe I'm crazy, maybe who knows
Could've been easy all along
But sometimes I think I think too much"


Laci's POV

My birthday was in two days and for some reason, I was actually excited. Hudson and I have been getting closer and he's actually a good guy. He's one of the only people who hasn't mentioned my birthday yet. Faith, Sadie, and even Cash's mom have been bugging me about it. I haven't actually seen Cash since our run-in at Subway about a week ago. It was pretty awkward considering I was holding Hudson's hand, a move I made all by myself. 

"So, Laci watchya want for your birthday?" Sadie asked me as she sat on the couch. 

"Duh, she wants Cash," Faith scoffs as if the answer was obvious and I chuck a pillow at her. 

"No, Faith, Cash has a girlriend and I have a," I choose my words carefully, "friend."

"Friend? Really? That's the best you've got? Laci you've been so smiley all week," Faith takes the pillow I chucked at her and sends it back my way. I catch it with one hand and place it on my lap. Hudson was most definitely not my boyfriend. So, then, what were we? In the talking stage? God, this generation is so dumb. 

"This boy, who has yet to be named, clearly makes you happy. So, what's stopping you from going out with him?" Sadie pipes up. 

Cash. "Nothing," I clear my throat. Laci, Cash has a girlfriend and hasn't talked to you in a week. Hudson has. 

"I think you should just go for it, what's the worst that could happen?" Faith shrugs and Sadie does the same. I truly cannot think of anything to say back, because Faith's right. What's the worst that could happen?


I wake up on my birthday to a quiet house. I'm genuinely curious as to why it's so peaceful until the doorbell rings. I pad down the stairs and swing the door open the reveal Cash, holding a small stack of envelopes. 

"Let me guess, our mail showed up at your house again?" I ask and Cash laugh., "Cash it's like almost 7 am, what are you doing awake? And fully clothed?" I ask, taking the papers form him. 

"Well, there was something I had to tell you. It's almost as if today was a special day. Oh, wait, you look different, new haircut? NO, you grew! Yes, you definitely grew, maybe like a whole year older?" Cash raises his eyebrows and I burst out laughing. These were the times I lived for with both of us, nothing awkward, just us being us. 

"Happy birthday, Laci," Cash pulls me in for a hug and I lean into his chest.

"Do you know where Faith and Sadie are?" I ask when we pull away. I swear Cash's face turns red but the color's gone as soon as it comes. 

"I have no idea," Cash avoids my gaze and I most definitely know something's u. "Come by my house around 4, okay?" Cash grabs my shoulders so I'm forced to look into his eyes. 

"Okay," I whisper and Cash lets go of me. I watch him walk back towards his house and I shut my front door, feeling confused and a little light-headed. 

Around 3, I've only seen Sadie once. She came back inside our house around lunch to say happy birthday but she was gone moments later, leaving me to feel defeated and mostly upset. Putting on a short black dress, per request of Cash, and sat in the living room, on my phone. I knew something was going on over Cash's, I just didn't exactly know what. 



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