twenty-one || little miss priss

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"Don't take me tongue tied
Don't wave no goodbye"


"So, where are we going?" Hudson asked, tapping his finger against the steering wheel. I just shrugged, I didn't really want to go anywhere at all, but I also didn't want to be home.

"Well, you should make up your mind," Hudson spoke.

"Sorry, I'm just not in a great mood," I answered honestly. 

"Me neither," Hudson let out an exasperating sigh before continuing, "I had to do some yard work for my dad and then my mom made me study for my algebra test."

"Wow, curse them for making you do that," I tried really hard not to roll my eyes. 

"Are you being sarcastic?" Hudson asked and I noticed his grip on the steerlign wheel had tightened. I looked out the window to see the sun had slowly been setting. The mixture of pink and orange was breathtaking.

"N- no," I quickly shook my head. "Sorry you had to go through that."

"S'alright, but don't give me an attitude like that again. You wouldn't understand," Hudson pulled down a road with almost no street lights.

"Hudson, where are we going?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

"I don't know, little miss priss wouldn't answer me," Hudson stated, shooting me a look and I bowed my head.


"Hey, I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," Hudson reached his hand over and smoothed down my hair. He pulled into an almost empty parking lot and unbuckled his seatbelt, turning his body to face me. "You know I didn't mean it, right?' He asked, his hand coming up to cup my cheek and I slowly nodded.

"Yeah, I know. It's okay, don't worry about it," i shrugged and Hudson's face moved closer to mine. My entire body stopped moving when Hudson quickly pressed his lips to mine, making my body chill. He pulled away fast, as if he was testing my reaction. When I didn't flinch or pull away, Hudson leaned in again, slowly this time. His lips locked with mine and I felt my entire body shiver. 

"I wanted to do this since you got in the car," Hudson said against my lips. Butterflies came into my stomach again and I couldn't stop them, it was overwhelming. "You don't know what that outfit is doing to me. Good girl wearing clothes that cover your body," Hudson said. He pinched my side, making me gasp, allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth. 

My outfit? As in my basic clothes I was wearing? Wow, the bar must be on the floor. 

"Can you oh-" I felt Hudson's fingers on my inner thigh and my pulse quickened. I pulled away, my lips were raw and Hudson's were swollen. "Can you take me home?" I asked, gulping. It's not that I hated what Hudson and I were doing, I just didn't know if I'd be able to stop it if he tried to go further.

"Why? Do you not like me anymore? I thought we were trying to make this work," Hudson raised his voice and I tried not to look frightened. 

"No, I'm just tired," it wasn't a total lie, I was tired but, not enough to actually go to bed. Hudson didn't say another word as he put the car in drive and sped to my house. Opening the passenger door, I mumbled a goodbye, resulting in silence from Hudson. 


"Was that my brother's car, Laci?" Faith asked as soon as I walked in the house. I nodded and walked further into the house, plopping myself on the couch, Faith followed me with Sadie closely behind her, eating strawberries. 

"Would you like to explain that situation to me?" Faith asked, sitting as close as she could to me. 

"I- um we- we just hung out," I shrugged. "And kissed a few times," I quietly added.

"And why would you do that?" Faith asked in a calm voice, it was too calm. Her hands were folded in her lap and she had a fake grin on her face.

"Because I like him and he likes me," I innocently answered, hoping for the best.

"I'm not going to get angry, because it's your life. But, I cannot say I support your relationship."

"Alright, thanks mom," I sarcastically said.

"Speaking of mom, her and dad come home tomorrow," Sadie said, picking apart her strawberry. Faith and I both turned to look at her. "They texted me."

"Why didn't they text me?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. I received a shrug from Sadie and Faith stuck her thumb between my eyebrows, pushing my skin upwards. "Faith, what are you doing?" I asked, removing her thumb from my face.

"Stop furrowing your eyebrows, it'll wrinkle!" She said as if I was supposed to know that information. I rolled my eyes and Sadie reached for the TV remote. For the next 6 hours, we all sprawled out on the furniture, watching every Netflix movie we all took interest to.


oops haha forgot that laci and sadie actually had parents so we gonna bring them back cause i love drama

also ty for 300 reads what that's a lot

please comment i wanna read them

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