sixteen || hold that thought, babe

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"Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember"


the song's originally by Gotye but i like this version better 


Laci's POV

It's now Saturday, the night of the dance. Sadie and Faith are both helping me get ready, hair, and makeup wise. They also claim I have the fashion sense of a seagull and when I told them seagulls don't wear clothes, Faith's response was, "exactly."

I spent all day Tuesday at the daycare since we didn't have school due to sophomore testing. Hudson and I had another interesting conversation during lunch.

So, you told me your dad called you yesterday night? How'd that go?" Hudson asked, leaning back in his chair so the front two legs were off the ground. 

"Well, he yelled at me, which he hasn't done in a while, about chores," I sighed, recalling when my dad made a big deal out of me not taking the trash out that night so now we had to wait a week before the truck could come and take it away again.

"So? My dad yells at me all the time, it's no big deal," Hudson scoffed and I felt sorry for him. 

"Oh, are you okay?" I asked quietly. Hudson then proceeded to tell me all about his day on Monday in perfect detail.

"That sucks, that he yells at you, I'm sorry," I had said when Hudson was done talking.

On Wednesday, Hudson took me to Subway again like the first time we went out to eat together. 

"Alright, what's your biggest fear?" He had asked me while I took a sip of my Sprite. 

"Hm, I have a bunch of fears so I'm not sure one of them overpowers the rest," I took a minute to think about everything I'm scared of, which is a lot. 

"I'm afraid of the dark, more or less what's in the dark I guess," I almost shutter. I have always bee afraid of the dark, I even slept with a nightlight until I was 12. 

"Please, the dark? What's going to get you? A demon? The monster under your bed?" Hudson mocked me and I stayed quiet for the rest of our date, not wanting to give Hudson any more information that he could use against me. 

"Sit still!" Sadie yanks a piece of my hair that she was in the middle of curling. I apologize and focus on the makeup that's going on my face. Faith has given me shimmery eyeshadow with light pink lipgloss. She said it was mandatory that she did a light look on me considering my dress was black. We had gone to the mall earlier to pick it out. It's similar to the one I wore to my birthday party except more extravagant as Faith had said.

"You're not going to be able to get past administration with those shoulders. You have anything to wear over? Preferably in color?" Faith asks as her and Sadie eye me wearing the dress. 

"I think I have something in mind," I say, knowing exactly what to wear over the dress. While walking over to my closet, I hear Sadie speak up. 

"I don't get it, they're shoulders, what's the big deal? If me, a bisexual, can keep it in my pants, maybe the problem isn't the shoulders. Also, have either of you ever heard of a boy actually complain about shoulders being a distraction? It's always the teachers. Tell me I'm wrong," Sadie huffs, plopping on my bed and falling back onto the mattress. 

"How do I look?" I ask, coming out wearing the one and only jean jacket Cash- oh, sorry, Hudson got me. Faith and Sadie both wear smirks on their faces and shoot me their thumbs up. We hear a car horn honk and Faith is the first one to run down the stairs. I'm down next and Sadie comes last, carrying the heels I wore to my birthday party. She practically chucks them at me and I catch them midair. 

"Okay, now if you feel uncomfortable or anything, do not, I repeat, do not hesitate to text one of us. My phone will be charging all night just for you," Faith says and I shoot her a grateful smile as she continues, "if you're caught in an uncomfortable situation and can't get out of it, text either Sadie or me 123, okay? You know what, I'll just make a group chat of the three of us."

"Have fun and be safe, you dummy," Sadie says as I grab my small purse. I say thank you to both of them before heading out to Hudson's car. As soon as I get in the car, my phone starts repeatedly buzzing. Pulling it out, I get a load of texts from a newly formed group chat. 

Rich Bitchez 

Lil' sis: who named this?

Faitheroony: that would be me

Me: but none of us are rich

Faitheroony: your parents are, which makes you two rich by default

Faitheroony: and i'm practically family which makes me rich also by default :)

Rolling my eyes, I slip my phone into my purse and turn to Hudson who is going a bit over the speed limit down the road. 

"Do you like my-" I start to say but I'm interrupted by a blaring ringtone. 

"Hold that thought, babe," Hudson clears his throat before answering his phone. 

Who the hell is he calling babe?

"Ty? What's up, man?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm on my way."
"The girl? Yeah, she's with me."
Chill, man, I'll be there in 10."

The girl. Is that me? 


i had some fun writing this chapter lmao faith is my favorite to write cause she's based off of me, literally, i've said half the things she has said in this story

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