eighteen || jail means nothing

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"If you would've just let me in
Who knows what could've been?
They tell me to forget, but I don't want to
Your face is all I seem to see

How can I blackout you?"



cry to this song more than i would like to admit


Cash's POV

Getting past all the teachers wasn't easy considering I'm a junior with two freshmen. We had to have Sadie create a distraction so Faith and I could slip past and into the gym. Faith and Hudson, who I assume she was with, were nowhere to be seen. 

"Boys locker room," I hear Faith say next to me. 

"Did she text you that?" I ask, looking at Faith's phone screen which has their group chat open, no messages from Laci but many from Faith.

Rich Bitchez

Faitheroony: laci??

Faitheroony: answer me please 

Faitheroony: if the guy that took you here has your phone then

Faitheroony: i will not hesitate to put his dick in a panini press

I stifle a laugh at the last text she had sent, knowing right now is not the time for laughter. 

"How do you know they're in the boy's locker room?" I ask as Faith drags me down the hallway. 

"Please, I write fanfiction for a living," she scoffs as if the answer was obvious. I roll my eyes as she pushes open the door while blocking her nose. There's no one in sight but we hear voices echoing. 

"Did she wear all that just for you?" A voice says as Faith and I walk through the locker room, keeping our eyes peeled. We immediately look at each other, knowing exactly who they're talking about. 

"Yeah she did, isn't my girl pretty?" Another voice says as all the laughter gets louder. 

"She's no one's girl," I say, surprising everyone including myself. 

"Bro, chill, it's a joke." A boy says. "Wait, Faith, the hell are you doing here?"

"Saving one of my best friends you sack of doorknobs. I can't believe you're the guy she's been going on about," Faith sighs. 

How do she and that boy know each other?

"How do you two know each other?" I ask.

"I'm her brother," Hudson states almost proudly. 


"Step-brother," Faith corrects, "as if I'd be blood-related to him."

"Blood means nothing, we're still family," the boy says and Faith crosses her arms.

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