six || stop calling her my girlfriend

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"Everybody's trying to be a billionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care"


Tick... Tick... Tick...

I groaned and slammed my pillow over my face, feeling a sense of déjà vu from yesterday morning. Except this wasn't knocking at the door and I knew for a fact it was way too early to even consider the noise to be my alarm clock. 

Tick... Tick...

I groaned maybe too loudly and sat up in my bed. I looked to my right, out the window to see a small pebble being throw. I flinched, thinking it would've hit me and turned to look at the time. 

5:02 am

Another pebble was thrown and I couldn't take it anymore. I practically tripped over myself getting to the window where I saw the same boy I had closed the door on the previous night. I pushed up my window, keeping my face shielded in case another rock was thrown.

"Hey stranger,"  Cash's voice called from below. I got another hit of déjà vu from when I was in my car yesterday, waiting for Sadie to get ready. 

"Baker," was all I said. I tried to say it in a firm voice but due to Cash's smile, I probably failed. 

"My nickname making a comeback?" Cash asked, dropping the pile of pebbles he had in his hand.

"It never left," I joked and Cash laughed. I was getting used to that sound and I never wanted it to leave again. An awkward silence came over us and I watched Cash shift his weight from one foot to the other. 

"So, any reason you're outside my house, throwing rocks at my window at five in the morning?" I asked, casually. Cash's eyes widened and he nodded his head, looking back up at me. 

"Right, sorry, can we uh- can we go for a drive?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I just smiled and nodded. I held up a finger, signaling Cash to give me a minute before rushing over to my closet. 

Might as well just get ready for school now.

I chose a black plaid pleated mini skirt with a black long-sleeved shirt tucked into the skirt. I pulled on black tights and chose my white Doc's today. As I was ruffling my hair in the bathroom mirror while brushing my teeth, Sadie came in looking like she had just crawled out of the ground. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the universe today," I mumbled, wetting my toothbrush and drying my hands. She groaned and we both made our way downstairs. Faith was sitting at the kitchen counter, laptop open, like always. 

"Morning, Quinn's," her voice was peppy and I hated it. "Hope you don't mind, Laci, I spent the night."

"I figured," I watched Sadie plop herself on the couch, looking lifeless. "Faith, do you ever go to your real house?" I asked, heading for the front door. 

"I'm wanted here more than I am there," she shrugged. "Plus, I had to be awake when I saw Cash jog over here," she smirked, like she knew something I didn't. 

"That's what that noise was? No wonder you look ready for school two hours before we actually have to go," Sadie was now in the kitchen, pouring a bowl of Lucky Charms for herself. "Tell Cash he better not wake me up again or he better sleep with one eye open at night," she held her spoon up as a weapon and pretended to stab the air as if it was Cash. 

"Will do," I shot her a thumbs up, slightly scarred, and swung open the front door. Cash had his hands in his pockets of the black joggers he was wearing, facing the opposite direction of me. 

"Where's your girlfriend?" I tried to ask in a nice way but just couldn't do it. Cash whipped around and I got a closer look at him. His eyes were slightly red, his hair was tousled in a cute way. 

Did I really just say in a cute way? The hell is wrong with me?

"She's still sleeping," Cash said in a quiet voice but just loud enough for me to hear. He gestured to his car parked on the side of the road. In silence, I made my way into the passenger side and Cash plopped himself into the driver's seat, hesitating before sticking the key into the ignition. 

"Any specific destination?" I asked, checking the time on my phone.

5:25 am

I wasn't in a rush, necessarily, I had about an hour and 35 minutes until I had to be pulling into the school parking lot. I was never one to be late to school, especially if I had art first period.

Cash just shook his head and licked his lips, he does that recently, a thing I had picked up on. He took a sharp turn causing my upper half to bump against him. 

"Does your girlfriend know we're together right now?" My voice was now quiet. I was a bit intimidated by how quiet Cash was being. He was never this quiet and he had no problem ever expressing his feelings, but then again, that was years ago, and like I said, we've grown up. I, myself was never one to share my feelings openly.

"Jesus, Laci, stop calling her my girlfriend. She has a name," Cash laughed and I was severely confused now. "But no, she doesn't know, she was sleeping in Lani's old bed since my mom didn't want us together at night," Cash's laughter turned into a scoff and I genuinely didn't know what to do now. 

Is he mad at his girlfriend? Is he mad at his mom? Is he mad at me?

"No," Cash said.


"I'm not mad at you."

Did I actually say that out loud?

"Yeah, you actually said that out loud," Cash giggled. Yes, he giggled again. 

"I- are you hungry? I'm hungry," I blurted out. Anything to get my subconscious to shut up. Cash just nodded again, turning down a familiar road to where I saw a lit-up McDonald's sign in the distance. 


this chapter's so bORING I APOLOGIZE

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