Chapter 19

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The bright light that blinded Sam and I was short lived. A couple seconds later we were back in the bunker. "Dean-" Sam started, but stopped when I glared at him. I clenched my jaw and walked to my room, slamming the door when I reached it. I looked over to my bedside table to see the First Blade. I hadn't seen it since the night at the bar, and I figured it just found itself back to me. 

I walked over and fell on my bed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath when I heard Sam walking to my door. I sat up and saw his shadow through the crack at the bottom of the door. I figured he would've knocked, but he just walked off. I nodded to myself and sat back on my headboard. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone, turning on Led Zeppelin and blaring it as loud as I could stand.

My right arm started to sting, so I pulled up my sleeve to see the Mark. I ran my hand across it, feeling every groove of the scar like tissue. The Blade started to shake, and the next second it was in my right hand. I examined it, before putting it to my left hand and making a deep cut along my palm. I stared at it as it healed before my eyes. Crowley may have taken the evil away, but my soul was still as damaged and broken as ever. 

I gripped the First Blade tighter when my room started to shake. I stood up and faced towards the door, ready for anything. Then I started to hear a high pitched ringing in my ears. I knew what was happening when my sink mirror busted. I gritted my teeth in agony and fell to the ground, dropping the Blade and using both my hands to cover my ears. There was a bright white light, then nothing. 

I opened my eyes to see I was in some sort of an office. There was a woman in front of me, leaning on a desk behind her. I had met her before, I just couldn't remember her name. "Hello, Dean. Nice to see you again." she said. I furrowed my brow and turned around to see two men guarding the exit. Facing her, I said, "Where are we?" She grinned and walked behind the desk and sat down. She stared at me a couple seconds before answering, "You're in Heaven. We needed to discuss a few things. I figured this was the most rational place."

I laughed while standing up so I could take a good look around. "Who are you, again? And you really think bringing a Knight of Hell into Heaven is the best play?" She nodded, no doubt thinking over her decision about bringing me here. "My name is Hannah. We met when Castiel was still in charge of the rebellion. And as for bringing you here? Castiel trusted you. That means I trust you as well." I looked down at my feet, remembering the last time I saw Cas. Her pitiful smirk showed she noticed my sudden grief. I walked towards her, but stopped when the two other angels in the room grabbed for their angel blades. I put my hands up in surrender and took a few steps back. "You obviously don't trust me that much." I stated while nodding towards the angel body guards she had stationed. 

"You can never be too cautious." she retorted. I raised my brow, "Yeah, right. So," I continued as I sat back down, "what'd you wanna talk about? Huh? Maybe the fact that Crowley is off somewhere playing Jed Hill. Or the fact that Cas is dead, that's a fun topic. How bout we talk about that?" She glared at me, "Please remember, Mr. Winchester, that you are a guest. You are being allowed in Heaven for the mere fact that we need to talk business. You will comply and you will listen. Castiel deemed you a close friend, and that is the only reason we are considering you for this task. The moment you prove useless, or even think of double crossing us, we will smite you where you stand. Do I make myself clear?"

I clenched my jaw and nodded, hesitant to even stay in the room any longer. She leaned back in her chair, "Now then, let's talk business. Crowley has proved to be more of a problem than ever. When he performed the ritual to dispose of your... other persona, he actually made it into an entire other being." I raised my brow and leaned forward, "So, you're saying there's another me walking around out there?" She nodded, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, okay. Anybody else feel like they're in a crappy horror movie?" I asked with a smile, looking around for anyone else to get it. When I got no smiles back in return, I cleared my throat and leaned back in my chair.

"So what the hell do you want me to do?" I asked, making eye contact with her.

"We want you to bring him here, so we may return you whole again." I shook my head, "No, you can't make me be that thing again." She took me by surprise by laughing,"You don't have a choice. Crowley may have him on a leash for now, but he will eventually break free. And when that happens, there's no telling how many causalities there will be. In Heaven, and on Earth. Dean, if you fail, we will be forced to annihilate him. If that comes to pass, you will die with him. Is that what you want?" 

I looked at her, thinking it over, but dropped my gaze when I decided I couldn't leave Sam all alone. She nodded, "Then it's decided. You bring him to us, and we will stay our hand. You have two weeks, Dean. Any longer and our hand will be forced." She held her hand up towards me, then the same light I saw earlier surrounded me. Next thing I knew, I was dropped on the floor of the bunker, hard. The air was knocked from my lungs, and I coughed trying to breath again. The sudden sound must've woken Sam, because I could see him come running towards me. 

"Dean? Dean, hey. What happened?" I looked up at him, still trying to catch my breath. "I gotta find Crowley. Now."



Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. It's not as long as I'd like it to be, but it was a good place to stop. I promise I'll try and make the next chapter a long one. Oh, and, Happy New Year! Hope everyone's New Years was one to remember. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Thanks for reading and staying with the story as long as you guys have. <3


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