Chapter 3

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Deanna left a  few minutes ago and I hoped she wouldn't tell Sam where I was going. I finished up the rest of my beer, left a tip, and walked out. I could sense the demon's presence not that far away. It got stronger the more I walked down the sidewalk. I was heading in the right direction. I stopped and looked up at the old, worn down apartment building. I knew this was the place. 

I walked up a few flight of stairs and stopped at room 3B. I knew this was the right room, it reeked of sulfur. I knocked on the door, "Room service." I said. I hoped he fell for it. When the locks started to unhook I knew he had. He cracked the door a little and looked at me, I smiled at him and he slammed the door in my face. I kicked down the door to find him with a knife. "It's rude to slam doors in people's faces." I said. At that point, the Mark was stinging and my arms were shaking. I wanted the kill to last. "How- how'd you find me, Winchester?" he said. He was absolutely terrified, and I loved that. 

I thought for a second on what I would say. "Your boss isn't too happy about your recent performance. He sent me to give you your last check." My response only scared him more. I was ready. I slowly pulled out the First Blade and I could feel the power it gave me. I loved that feeling. I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face, and I felt my eyes go black. "Oh, this is gonna be fun." I said. I waved my hand slowly behind me and the door followed my movements until it closed. 


I finally pulled into the parking lot of the motel. I was worried what Dean would do. The last time I had killed for the Mark, there was nothing left. I never wanted that to happen again, and I knew Dean didn't either. I walked into the motel room to find Sam and Samantha sitting at the table on their laptops, of course. I walked over to Dean's bed and made myself comfy. "So, you two nerds find anything?" They rolled their eyes and ignored my hilarious comment. "No, nothing. Everything seems quiet as far as we can tell." Sam said. 

I'd hoped we'd be able to find out what was going on, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy. "Have you tried to call Cas?" I said. Last time I heard from Cas in my universe, he was picking up the pieces in Heaven after Metatron. He was probably doing the same here. "Yeah. Several times, actually. He hasn't returned my calls." Samantha said. 

"I've known Cas long enough to know, that means he knows something." I said. Just as I closed my mouth, there was a knock on the door. I knew Dean wanted to take his time with the demon, so it wasn't him. Sam got up and slowly opened the door, gun in one hand. He let out a sigh of relieve when Cas walked through the door. "Well, speak of the devil." I said. Cas always had a habit of good timing. He looked at me but wasn't surprised. Just as I thought. "Yes, I know what's going on. I had to take a bus." he said. 

The room was quiet for a couple seconds. We were all looking at Cas, expecting him to tell us what was going on. I couldn't take the waiting anymore, "You want to share with the class, Cas?" I finally said. He looked at me like he had just realized we wanted him to speak. "It's Gabriel." is all he could say. Sam stood up in shock. "Wait, he's alive? Since when?" he said. Cas looked at Sam and then us, in guilt. "Since I agreed to lead the rebellion against Metatron." It didn't surprise me that Cas didn't tell us. I'd gotten used to him not telling us important facts that we needed to know. Sam and Samantha obviously were still a bit pissed. "It would've been nice to know that little piece of info, Cas." Samantha said. 

The tension was rising in the room, until the radio on the side table started releasing static. It went through a few stations before it landed on the right one. A voice started coming through the speakers. "C'mon guys, don't take it out on my little bro." It was Gabriel. Yay. Just what we needed. "Hey, Gabe. How ya been? Back at bein a trickster?" I said as I rolled my eyes. I was never a real big fan of Gabe, although he had helped us out on several occasions. He was still a winged dick in my book. "Why I'm fine, Deanna. Thanks for asking, I really feel the love. And yes, I am. What can I say? It's my true calling." he said. 

Cas pitched into the small conversation. "You need to put them back in their own universe, Gabriel. Why even bring them here?" We all looked at the radio for an answer. I'd like to know that myself. "Honestly? I figure if Dean can't tell Sammy the truth, then Deanna will. Same with Dean and Samantha. I'm tired of you guys lying to each other all the time. Plus, it's one hell of a way to announce I'm back. Don't ya think?" Sam and Samantha looked at me for answers about what he was talking about. When they realized I wasn't gonna say anthing, Sam looked back at the radio. "What truth?" There was a small pause, like Gabriel was thinking over it. "Sorry bucko, ask your big bro. I've got to go. Trickster things to do. And, you two don't go back until everyone spills their guts. Tootles." The radio cut out and he was gone. God, he was a dick. 

Samantha looked at me with her puppy dog eyes. "What is he talking about Deanna?" she said. I couldn't tell them here, not like this. It wouldn't go over well if I just blurted it out. I got up from the bed and decided to do what Dean and I do best, avoid the situation. "I'm gonna take a  ride. Be back later." I said. I walked out of the room and got into the Impala. I needed to tell Dean what was going on.


I walked over to the shitty bathroom mirror and put the blood stained Blade and my jacket on the sink. I looked into the mirror and saw I was covered in blood. I turned on the water and washed my hands and my face off as best I could. Last time this happened, it took three showers to get all the blood off. I looked back into the mirror, water dripping off my face. All of a sudden, I felt so much anger I couldn't contain it. My eyes flashed black and I punched the mirror out.

The anger had now turned into shittiness. My eyes had now went back to normal and started filling with tears. I hated crying. It made me feel weak, but I couldn't hold them back. "Dad, I'm sorry I disappointed you. I became the one thing we hated most in this god damned world." I said under my breath. I took a deep breath, wiped the tears from my face, and put on a straight face. 

I grabbed my things from the sink and walked out of the newly painted red room without looking back. I didn't want to see what I had done to that poor, innocent person the demon was possessing. I walked down the stairs and left the building. I was getting ready to walk across the street when I was stopped by the Impala. Deanna got out with concern on her face. "You lost control. Didn't you?" she said. I wasn't really up for an argument right now. "Thanks for the concern, but I really don't need a lecture from myself right now." I gave her a smirk and walked past her to the driver's side. I threw the Blade and my jacket in the back seat and got into the car. She bent over and looked into the passenger window. "They know we're hiding something from them. You can thank Gabriel for that." she said. Great, that winged dick is back. Add it to the stack of problems I already had. 

"Should we tell them?" I said. I didn't even bother to look at Deanna. I knew what she would say.

"Yeah, I think we should. We've hid it from them long enough. We can't be afraid of what they'll think anymore. " she said. She did have a point, I was afraid of what Sam would think though. I nodded in uncertainty and started the engine. She got into the car and we exchanged looks. I drove off and headed for the motel.

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