Chapter 9

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I was starting to come to. I could hear crickets and some owls in the distance. Traces of the pain still remained, so I clutched my hand to the ground. The rough, tall grass crumbled in my hand. I could tell I was in a field of some kind. I finally brought myself to open my eyes. I couldn't remember a thing, and my head hurt like a bitch. 

I slowly stood up and looked around. I was in a field, but I couldn't see a hint of civilization. I looked down at my clothes. They were covered in dried blood. "Whoa, it's like senior year all over again. All that's missing is an unconscious naked chick... minus the blood." I mutter to myself and grin. I pick a direction and start walking. The more I walked, the worst my thoughts got. What if I killed everyone? What if I hurt Sammy? How long had I been out?

I looked for both my phone and my spare one. No luck, of course. Why would I have luck now? I lost track of how long I had been walking. I hoped to that no good dick, God, that Sam was perfectly fine. The sun was coming up when I finally found an old gas station. What the hell? I thought. It was the same gas station I found when I was sprung from Hell?

"Deja vu." I said and walked to the door. I knocked to see if anyone was there. When no one answered, I used my fist and punched out the glass. I reached through the broken window and turned the door handle. I walked in and went straight for the newspaper. "July? I've been out for two months?" 

I couldn't believe it! How did the demon stay in control for two whole months?! I threw the paper down and punched the wall. When I pulled my fist back, there was a hole in the concrete wall. I took a few deep breaths and relaxed. I walked over to the cash register and took what little cash was in it. Lucky me, the same payphone I used to call Bobby six years ago was still there. 

I ran out and picked up the phone. I put the quarter in and dialed the number. 1-865-369-7535. The tone rang twice before the other line picked up. "Hello?" Oh thank God, he was alive. "Sammy? Sammy, listen I'm-" The line went dead. Why'd he hang up?

I put another quarter in and tried again. This time, the line only rang once. "Listen you son of a bitch, you call here again and I'll hunt you down myself. Just because you look like my brother, doesn't mean I won't hesitate." The line went dead again. Dammit, if Sam sees me he'll shoot first and ask questions later. I need to figure out a way for him to listen.

The lack of money the gas station had was serious. That was the last quarter. When I was here last time, I hotwired one of the old cars that was here. I was relieved to see the other one was still sitting in the same spot, just waiting to be stolen.

It took some work, but I finally got it started. First, I need some new clothes. I thought. Sam seeing me covered in blood from head to toe won't do me any favors. I turned on the radio and flipped through the stations. I landed on one that sounded interesting.

"Meteorologists are baffled by the sudden spike in electrical storms. There have been five different ones in the last four days and the public is growing concerned for the dried crops. Experts have speculated that the rain will return soon. The drought may be over sooner than later.

In other news, recent mass cattle deaths have sparked rumors of a disease spreading fast throughout local farms. Veterinarians urge to keep a watchful eye on all livestock."

Demon omens? Are those from me? If it's true then that meant I've been here for four days. I wonder why I came back here?

I drove for a couple hours until I reached a small JCPenny. I walked inside and everyone in the store looked at me with fearful eyes. I was just hoping they wouldn't call the cops until I bought my damn clothes. I skimmed the men's clothes section and decided on a black t-shirt, some boxer briefs, and a pair of faded jeans. It was summer, so there was no need for my usual layers.

I walked up to the counter with the most innocent look I could come up with. The cashier wouldn't look me in the eyes. I'm pretty sure she thought I was gonna pull a gun on her at any second. She scanned my clothes and put them in a bag. "Will this be all, sir?" her voice was so quiet, I could barely make out what she was saying.

Once everything was squared away, I Road Runnered myself out of there. I did not feel like dealing with cops at all today. Now, for the fact that I need to wash all this blood off. Where was I going to get cleaned off? I used the last of my cash at the store.

My expression saddened when I realized my only option. The stupidest thing I could ever do. Now I've done some stupid shit in my time, but this, was by far the worst. What choice did I have though? I don't exactly have a lot of friends to call. But to do this, again, I don't know...

I was driving in the direction of my desperate last option. My head was saying keep going, but my heart was saying turn back now. Before I could actually decide anything, I pulled up across the street from the house.

It hadn't changed since I last saw it. The blue outside of the house and the white window shutters neatly decorated with hanging flowers. The hedges just tall enough to see above and the white pick up truck parked in the driveway. Damn this house brought back some great memories. Memories which I had to forget.

Everything in me was screaming don't get them involved, but I had no one else to turn to. I hesitantly walked up to the door and knocked. Screw it, this is too much. I turned around to leave, but before I could the door opened.

"May I help you?" Gosh she was more beautiful than ever. Her brown hair neatly tucked behind her ear and her brown eyes made me almost tear up at the sight. "Uh... nevermind. This was a mistake." I turned around to leave, but she grabbed my arm.

"Dean?" she said, almost in tears. How did she even remember who I was? I turned around and looked her in those eyes that made me want to melt. "Hey, Lisa."

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