Chapter 15

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I had managed to support myself against a tree, and I had my knees close to my chest. I sat there in shock for I don't know how long. I don't think I had even blinked. But you know what was weird? My head wasn't swirling, my heart wasn't beating out of my chest, my hands weren't shaking. I was just... sitting. Perfectly still. I had barely given any attention to the fact Crowley had buried the bodies. I don't know what happened to the hunter that managed to survive by the help of Sammy. I also noticed I couldn't hear anything. It's like I subconsciously tuned everything out. 

My eyes managed to fix on my hands. They were covered in mud, pine needles, and they were dried out. The most noticable thing was the blood. It's like I had dipped my hands in it. I slowly tried to wipe it off as best I could, but it wouldn't come off. No surprise there. 

I was snapped out of it by Sam struggling to bend down in front of me. I instantly looked away. I had to look anywhere but Sammy. I faintly heard my name being said. I was still tuning everything out, so it sounded like it was muffled by a pillow in my ears. The sound seemed to bring my hearing back to life. There was a slight ringing in my ears before I could hear my little brother clearly. 

"Dean." Sam said. I swallowed hard and clenched my jaw. I brought myself to look at him, but still not in the eyes. I couldn't stand to look at him in the eyes. Besides, all he'd see in my eyes was a monster. "Dean, we gotta talk about this man." he said. I looked away and stood up, rubbing the dirt off the back of my jeans. "No thanks." I managed to mutter before walking off in a random direction. Anywhere to get away from here. 

I managed to find a small creek. I bent down to my knees and washed as much blood off as I could. I heard a stick snap behind me. I expected it to be Sam, but when I turned around, it was Cas. "Hello, Dean." he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head. "What the hell are you doing here, Cas? How'd you even get here?" 

He looked weak, and I mean John McBurney weak before the chick saved his ass. He fell over, but I jumped forward and caught him just in time. "Thanks." he said. I looked down at him. My eyes grew wide with worry. "Yeah, don't mention it. What's wrong, Cas?" I said to him. At this point, I was completely supporting his weight. 

He looked up at me. He seemed exhausted just by any movement. "I- I used all the power I had left to get here. Of course, Heaven helped too. It was difficult to get to this universe, but I had to see you. I know what happened, Dean. With the hunters, I mean." His answer only seemed to confuse me more. "Cas, why the hell'd you do that?! You used the last of your grace for a wasted trip! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Somehow he formed a smirk on his face, even though it seemed to pain him. "Dean, Lucifer's vault... Crowley's... trying t- to trap you. Yes, the in- ingredients you need are in there, but there's also a jail inside the vault. A jail my brother created specifically for Knights of Hell... in case they ever rebelled. As you... would say... Crowley means to make you his bitch on a leash." 

At the end of his sentence, he fell to the ground. I managed to drag him to a rock and lean him against it. "Cas, why'd you do this for me? After what I've done." I looked down at my feet, but looked back up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Cas was smiling now, and crying. "When I pulled you from the pit, you had done some terrible things. But you were redeemed, Dean. You can be again. You just have to forgive yourself first. I've forgiven you, Dean. Sam has too. Always remember... th- that you are my family. Knight of Hell or not. And know that wherever I end up, I'll always watch over you. Just like I did when Mary used to kiss you goodnight whenever you were with her." He gave one last smile before the light in his eyes left.

Tears were streaming down my face. I held his face in my hands. I just wanted him back here. "Cas? CAS?! You can't leave me too goddamnit. Please, not you too." I pulled him into me by his rumpled up trench coat and cried into his shoulder. I've lost everyone I've ever loved. Mom, Dad, Bobby, Joe, Ellen, Kevin, Adam, Benny, and now Cas. 

I pulled back and looked at him. He looked so... peaceful. I wiped the tears off my face and got to work. Just like I had done numerous times, I stacked one limb on top of another until there was a pile up to my neck. "I'll be damned if you don't get a hunter's funeral, Cas."

I picked up his body and put him on top of the pile. I took a few steps back and took out my lighter. I opened it and ran it across my leg to light it. I hadn't even noticed I had started crying again until a tear fell off my face. I threw the lighter in. The flame grew bigger and bigger until it completely consumed the pile in front of me.

I could still barely see Cas lying in the middle of the flame. It was the last time I was ever going to see him. A rush of anger came over me. "Why does everyone have to leave me? What's so wrong with me that I can't keep the people I love alive? I've lost so much. I've sacrificed so much. And for what? To lose more? I'm just so damn tired. Is it too much to ask to have something good in my life last? Why am I cursed? Huh? Why can't I just rest?" 

"Dean." I heard from behind me. The voice was soft with sorrow and pity. It was Sam. I turned around to see him crying as well. He limped beside me and we both stared into the fire, side by side, and watching our closest friend burn into oblivion. 


   I'm sorry if these chapters were not as good. They were a bit rushed, and I feel they could have been much better. I promise this will not happen again. Please, just hang in there with the story. Again, I apologize.

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