Chapter 12

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Once Sam and Dean were done with their little chick flick moment, we walked into the forest for about forty five minutes. I was getting the sense Crowley had no clue where the hell he was going by the fact he was actually quiet. The woods around us weren't exactly Fangorn forest, but it was pretty thick for Arizona. Someone could easily get lost if they didn't have a guide, and unfortunately for us, we didn't have much of one.

The only things we were carrying were the necessities for the ritual. We aren't exactly the hiking kind of people. The last time I was even in a forest, all I brought was some M&Ms. Damn, that seemed like forever ago now. I thought as I was walking. 

My train of thought was interrupted by Crowley yelling at himself, "Bollocks! We're never going to find it! This is useless." I looked at Sam and Dean who had grins on their faces. They seemed amused at Crowley's little outburst. I figured I'd make the moment better. "Awww, is the King of Hell getting aggravated?" I said in a taunting tone with a smile on my face. Cowley looked at me, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead ten times over. I looked back at Sam and Dean who were now trying to contain their laughter. 

I shrugged off Crowley's look and sat down on a nearby rock. I heard a bag get thrown on the ground, so I looked up to see Dean starting to turn around. "I'm gonna go take a look around. You three stay here." he said. We all agreed and Sam sat down next to me. I could see him glaring at me in the corner of my eye. "What?" I said while looking in my bag for my phone. "Do you feel okay? I mean... well ya know." he said in a quiet voice. It was obvious he was hesitant to ask me. 

I finally found my phone. Of course, it was at the bottom of the bag. I unlocked it and looked on Google Maps to see if it could locate us. "You mean do I feel like killing anybody?" I said flatly. I looked at Sam, just in time to see him shrug. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.  "No. Not particularly. But it's still pretty early." I gave Sam a smirk and looked back on my phone. I heard him let out a small chuckle, but I was too focused on my phone screen.

Once it finally got enough signal to load I read out loud what it said. "We're sorry. We cannot locate you at this time." I said in my telemarketer voice. "Well this thing is useless." I threw my phone back in my bag and rubbed my temples. Somehow, I was forming a headache. I hate being lost.


I had been walking for about ten minutes, but nothing really stuck out. It seemed like Crowley was leading us in the middle of nowhere. I stepped over a fallen tree and went to take another step, but I was stuck. "What the hell?" I tried to walk forward, but there was an invisible wall in front of me.

I heard rustling at my eight o'clock. I turned to see if I could see what it was. There were three guys just staring at me. One was about Sammy's size with blonde hair styled like mine and green eyes. The other two shorter ones were obviously twin brothers. They both had the same face with shaggy black hair and blue eyes. They all looked about in their mid twenties.

"So you're the infamous Dean Winchester, huh? No offense, but you don't exactly look that menacing." the blonde one said. I looked them all up and down and flashed a smirk. "Oh, I'm full of surprises. Trust me." The twins looked at each other and laughed while they pulled out shotguns.

"So, you're hunters? Well, no offense but you don't exactly look the type." I said with another smirk. The tall one smiled and walked forward to where we were face to face. "Is that right?" he said. I laughed and showed my black eyes. I felt a sudden surge of power. "Yeah, that's right." Somehow, I reached through the invisible wall, which I assumed was caused by a devil's trap. The wall flashed all kinds of colors before it finally went down. I had my right hand around his neck and I was squeezing hard. The twins  pointed their shotguns at me, but they were too slow.

I looked at their direction and just as I wanted, they were pinned to two trees behind them. I looked back at the blonde one and loosened my grip so he could talk. "Now, you're gonna tell me who you are, what you're doing here, and how many more hunters there are! You do and everyone goes home. You don't, and I start with the twins here. And trust me, they'll scream like you've never heard before."

The young hunter who I had my hand wrapped around looked absolutely terrified. And as much as I didn't want to admit it, it felt good. "My- m-" he tried to speak. I loosened my grip a tad bit more. "My name's Kyle. Ky- Kyle Mathews. Those two a- are Zack and Ian Hughes. W- we came here because all the de- demons we've come across lately, have talked about this place. We thought we'd lay a few traps and see what we caught. It's just us, I swear!"

I raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Thank you for your cooperation, Kyle. Now what was that about not being menacing?" I said with a smile on my face. I punched him in the face before he could say anything more and he fell to the ground, unconscious. With a thought, the twins were unconscious too. I straightened my jacket and walked over the unconscious Kyle. 

I needed to get back to Sam and Deanna. I had a sense Mr. Ken Doll was lying when he told me it was only them. I ran as fast as I could back the way I came. I stopped, paralyzed, in the middle of a small open area. I looked at my right arm. The pain was horrible, but it wasn't like the pain I experienced before from the Mark, it seemed more burning that it did agonizing. I pulled back my sleeve, and saw the Mark was glowing red. I looked around to see if I could see anything. To me, it looked like an empty field. I knew better though. 

I know where it is at least. I thought as I started running again. I finally reached our resting place. There were a couple of guys unconscious, but Sam, Deanna, and Crowley weren't there. "Sam?! SAMMY?!" I didn't here anything. I knew exactly what I was going to have to do to find them as quickly as possible. I bent down to the nearest guy from me. Like the other three, he looked in his mid twenties. Honestly, he kinda looked like me when I was his age.

I checked him over, and sure enough, I found an anti possession charm. "Ha, amateur." I said before throwing the charm into the woods. I took a step back and concentrated. I felt myself exiting my body, until I was just black smoke. I heard my body fall to the ground and looked back. Damn, I'm one handsome devil. I thought for a second and laughed to myself at my unexpected pun. I went over to the guy and really thought of what I was going to be doing. Awesome. I thought before I shoved myself down the dudes throat. 

Before I knew it, I could see through his eyes. I stood up and saw if everything was working correctly. This was the first time I had ever done this, so I really had no idea what I was doing. Whoever this kid was, he was still out like a light in his head. I looked through his recent memories and saw where they had planned to take anything they might have caught. And sure enough, I found it. An old abandoned cabin not far from here. I figured I'd just stick with this meat suit, since these young hunter dumbasses trusted him. I flashed my eyes to where they were his natural color. Oh I was ready to kick some ass. 

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