9. The Freedom Fighters.

Start from the beginning

When all of the soldiers were down, we turned to the young man and his group. "You just took down a whole army single handed." Aang said amazed. "Army?" Sokka scoffed, "there were only like 20 guys."
"My name is Jet," the young man said, "and these are my freedom fighters." He pointed to the guys and named them: "Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke and Pipsqueek."

The freedom fighters started to pack in all the supplies at the camp. Sokka and I were leaning against each other watching the spectacle with raised eyebrows. "We are far more better warriors." Sokka said. "We? You mean I am. You coward ran away." I said teasingly and elbowed him in the waist. "Sokka, Is, we are going to their hideout." Katara said excited. "Terrific..." Sokka mumbled and I grinned. "Hideout? I can't see it!" Sokka said, looking around. "Here, grab this," Jet said and he gave Sokka a rope, "hold your girl tight." I grabbed Sokka waist quickly and looked around. "I am NOT his girlfrieeeeeeeeeeeend!" I yelled when I got yanked up and disappeared between the leafs. I held on very tightly to Sokka, feeling like I was about to break him in half.

There were enormous tree houses, all connected to each other with bridges. I have to say, it was pretty impressive. We settled down and waited for dinner. There was meat, lychees, vegetables, you name it. When I was nibbling on a lychee, Jet stood down on the table. "Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine." Jet yelled and the people cheered. "I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog-monkey." The Duke stood up and bowed, as they rooted for him.

"Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding the trees... Maybe they are right." Jet said and the crowd booed. " Or maybe, they'er dead wrong!" The crowd cheered again.

"Hey, Jet, nice speech." Katara said. "Thanks," Jet said, "By the way, I was really impressed by you and Aang," He said when he sat back down, "that was some great bending I saw out there today."

"He is great. He is the Avatar," Katara said when she smiled at Aang, "I could use some more training," she said shyly.
"Avatar, huh?" Jet said, "nice."
"Thanks Jet!" Aang replied with a smile.
"So, I might know a way that you and Aang could help in our struggle." Jet said.

"With helping you find a job to work for your food?" I mumbled under my breath. "Unfortunately we have to leave tonight." Sokka said and he stood up. "Sokka... you are kidding me..." Jet said on this tone that made me gag. "I wanted you to join me on a mission." Sokka stopped and sat down again. "A mission?" Sokka asked. Jet nodded. "Come on, I'll tell you all about it." Jet said and he stood up to walk over to Sokka.

"He is a cool guy." Aang said to Katara. I put my cup down and looked at him. "He robs people." I said indignantly. "He doesn't rob people, he just robs..." Katara said and she stopped talking. I held my hands up in the air. "Fire Nation civilians and soldiers?" I shouted while I put my fist down and they shot fire, "Yes, I know I said that I hated the Fire Nation, but I have come to learn that I hate certain people who live in the Fire Nation and who caused this war. So if we would please not think that every single person who's wearing red or bend fire is evil itself, it would be much appreciated, thanks!" I said angrily and I stood up.

I marched away from the table, to my treehouse. I sat down, upset and angry. I sat down and buried my face in my hands. Suddenly, the tears were flowing down my cheeks. I was shaking uncontrollably, letting it all out. I was feeling so alone. I could not understand my own emotions. Ever since I saw Zuko something just.. snapped. I just miss my old life terribly. The life where I did not have a single care in the world. I miss my parents, my friends, my cousins... the country.

The Fire Nation... My home for so many years... I thought about the homes the Fire Nation had destroyed... my home among them. But not everyone is evil. I am not evil. Or am I? Am I evil because I don't want my family and friends to lose everything they have when we invade the Fire Nation? Or am I evil because I want my revenge on Fire Lord Ozai and want to burn that palace to the ground and end this dreadful war?

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