Marine corp style

Start from the beginning

I made them drop and give me 50 then 20 for wasting time. Every time someone complained it earned them an extra lap.

About an hour later I decided it was time to start the real stuff "Ok the warm up is over"
"That was just a warm up ?!?"
"Yeah" they have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.
"What the fuck do you know anyway."

I stopped and walked up to the poor bastard who wore his big boy pants today. I just hope he doesn't shit himself.

I kept approaching him until I invaded his personal space. I kept my expression cold and emotionless. My stance aggressive and my voice calm.
"I've trained mutts before"

He had the audacity to growl at me so I growled back. "You do not frighten me. Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up. I am here to inflict fear. I am here to train you and you are here to sit pretty, learn and stay alive."

I circled him as I spoke, aware of the men watching me. I kicked the backs of his knees, bringing him to his knees. I grabbed his hair and lifted his head, holding my switch blade to his neck.

"Did I make myself clear, sweet cheeks?"
"Uh-huh" I pushed him forward.

"In pairs A will plank but I want you to extend your arms so you're tilted. B will then do the exact same thing on top of you. A work out heads and tails if you will."

I got them set up they had to last 3 minutes. Every time someone fell, stumbled or tried to take a shortcut then they started again. Aaron and Zach thought they'd get off easy but I made them do everything.

I walked around "I like to call this the 69 workout." After I said that they started dropping like flies.

I crouched beside the first to fall who was Zach. "Ah you guys are too easy. Start again." I heard them groan.

"Was that a groan I heard?"
"No Sir"
"That's what I thought"

Eventually they got it right. I then made it a little more

Put in fours, no.1 did a push up then no.2 places their feet on no.1's back and they take the push up position. This is done until all of their legs are off the ground and they are only supported by their hands.

They must complete 100 push up's then 5 sequences. The sequences may include a normal push up, a push up held for a minute either up or down, a push up then a clap, a one handed push up. You get the idea.

I not only tested their physical ability but their mental ability. The mind is our greatest weapon.

Half way through I got them to shift. I began by degrading them by beginning with simple commands like sit and paw. They got agitated quite quickly. Granted I was treating them like a child or a puppy. That's exactly what I wanted. I kept calling them pups and mutts.

They got angry and when they got angry they focused. I set up various exercise, tracking and hunting techniques. Thinking before acting and working as a pack.

I threw insults at them and kept getting inside their head. That's exactly what rogues will do. They will make them doubt their abilities to protect the pack. They have to become desensitised to insults and threats. They must learn to follow the plan. The procedure it is key to their survival. I cannot, no I will not send out warriors who risk endangering themselves and effectively the entire pack.

I've had enough of sitting on the side lines I joined in. I set them up into groups and like in boxing I got them to do a set of defensive and offensive moves. It travelled around the circle, speed picking up.

Throughout the day I picked random people at random times to fight, one on one. At first it was just human form, then just wolves and now it's a mixture. They need to learn how to choose to perfect and most effective time to shift.

I often got involved. Showing them what they should've done and how they should've done it.

I lost track of the amount of times that Aaron and Zach told me to stay out, to tell them what to do and they'd do it instead, every blow I received or every time I hit the floor I saw the rage in their eyes.

The trees were no good so I used myself and whoever was closest. I would demonstrate on others or be the demonstratee for the techniques.

We only spent an hour on each thing. This is only a taster of what they'll be doing. We'll spend months perfecting each technique and battle plan. They will learn to use weapons like daggers and guns. I'll teach them hand to hand combat. I will train them like new recruits. If this training system is good enough to protect a country then it is good enough for my pack.


At this point in time i've just pissed off Hulk, his mate is still a sensitive subject. He took a swing at me and I ducked. Our fight didn't stop there. Aaron and Zach tried to stop us but I wouldn't allow it.

Suddenly out of no where a giant wolf knocked Hulk to the ground. The was baring his teeth and snapping at him. He was going for the kill. I couldn't help but feel that the midnight black fur was familiar. I shouted at the wolf and he turned around and walked towards be and stood over me. I was lying on the floor and he knelt down to sniff me. When I made eye contact it became clear. "Damien" I mused.

I put my hand on his snout and he leaned into me. "It's alright, i'm fine. This is part of the training. There is no danger" I breathed.

He laid down on me and licked my face. "Damien you're crushing me and that's disgusting" I croaked. He quickly got off my but sat down wagging his tail. I crouched down next to him and ruffled his fur. "Shift" I whispered in his ear.

I looked up as Damien strutted over behind a tree to shift. Everyone was looking at me in awe. Luke came running out of the bushes and pinned me against a tree.

He searched me from head to toe. "Are you ok? I felt you get hurt. Who injured you? I'll kill them."
"Luke look at me. I'm alright. This was my fault i'm training the boys." He didn't look convinced so I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Even though i'm sweaty he still kissed me. He tried to deepen the kiss but I was aware that we're being watched.
"Believe me now?"
"Yes" he sighed defeated.

I pushed him out of the way "ok after that little incident I think we're done for the day. I want you all to rest up. This is just the beginning."
"Alex wait."
"Yes?" I couldn't exactly tell who was speaking to me. The questions came hard and fast. "Are you Luke's mate?"
"Are you our Luna?"
"Holy fuck I hit our Luna"
"I feel sick"

I didn't answer their questions I just sent them home. Luke has told me he doesn't want anyone to know until he informs the entire pack. He hasn't told me when he's planning on doing it but has just warned me that it's soon. Apparently it will protect me until we have the entire pack behind us and filled in.

I turned to Luke, Aaron and Zach. Something hit me during training and i'm going to raise hell.
"Hey why isn't there any female warriors." They began laughing at my question. Luke wrapped his arms around my waist before answering
"well you see women be-"

I turned around so fast I think I got whiplash
"if you finish that sentence with 'belong in the kitchen' then you are never touching me again"
"You wouldn't" he challenged me so I unraveled myself and stepped away from him. He attempted to close the gap so I took another step back.
"Wouldn't I? We both know that i'm too stubborn for my own good."

Aaron and Zack decided to weigh in. "We mean it's just not what happens. The men protect the women and children. There has never been a female warrior."

I was gaping like a fish. What is this the medieval times? I thought we had equality.

"Well that's going to change"
"They said women wouldn't make it in the military but I did."
"Yeah bu-"
"Has there ever been a female trainer?"
"No b-"
"Never mind a Luna training."
"Yeah bu-"
"So now i'm going to break one more tradition. I'm going to create the first she wolf warriors. If you haven't noticed I never really play by society's rules, this is no different."

Author's Note :
I have nothing to say other than nanite.
It's 4am.

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