Finding The Truth?

Start from the beginning

They had now reached the hotel and Baekhyun stopped outside the hotel gateway.
He gave Chanyeol a thumbs up sign as Chanyeol got out of the car.

While Baekhyun hoped for Chanyeol's sake that this would be the hotel they were looking for, Chanyeol's mind was elsewhere.
Were the dreams that Chanyeol had mentioned to Baekhyun really his dreams? Would Chanyeol who felt the most energetic when he did things spontaneously be content with a mundane living?


" I want to climb Mt Everest and K2- without oxygen masks. I want to——ugh—- participate in the Tour De France!! Oh also I want to go to a strip club in Paris, maybe le crazy house?" Said Chanyeol as he made a fresh list of his 'things to do before he dies'.

He hadn't found Tamara at that hotel either and he had oddly felt relieved by that discovery? It had also given him the courage to actually list out his dreams, with nobody to call him out for how crazy they may sound.

Baekhyun raised his eyebrows at Chanyeol for the latest one on his list.

"What? Let not my dimples deceive you, I'm no prude." Said Chanyeol. He was feeling a bit tipsy even though they hadn't drunk any alcohol at the diner earlier. He was high on life.

"Okay Mr Bad Boy." Said Baekhyun, laughing.

It was an empty road on a relatively hot late afternoon when suddenly a boy, around 10 years old came and stood before the car and a last minute, frantic brake saved them from an imminent disaster.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing in the middle of the road?" Screamed Baekhyun, opening his window screen.

"I need a ride." He said, unabashed by the accident he could've caused.

"Wherever you need to go, we're probably not going that way. Goodbye." Said Baekhyun, ready to resume driving when Chanyeol stopped him.

"Where do you need to go?" Chanyeol asked.
Baekhyun wanted to handle this because he knew people like Chanyeol had a soft spot for kids.

"Kaiteki Residence. It's 10 minutes from here." He replied, immediately.

"Okay hop in." Said Chanyeol, caving in.

"No you can't hop in. It's my car." Baekhyun wasn't going to budge. "Listen, I've given rides to many of these doe eyed children before and they always got me in some sort of a trouble. He could be carrying drugs for all we know." He added, to Chanyeol.

"Hey kid? Are you carrying drugs?" Chanyeol asked him. Baekhyun face palmed himself.

"What are drugs?" He replied, innocently blinking his eyes.

"You know what drugs are." Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at him.

"Fine, I do." He laughed. "But I don't have them or have ever seen. I just want to go home."

Baekhyun finally agreed but he did not have a good feeling about this.

"So how old are you?" Chanyeol asked the kid sitting at the back, eating food from his tiffin.

"10." He replied, with his entire attention on his sandwich.

"And why are you not in school?" He further asked.

"I ran away from school." He replied, completely nonchalant.

"What?!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol screamed in unison. Baekhyun knew something was wrong.

"Yeah what's the big deal? It's not like I'm going somewhere else. I'm just going home. I had been walking all this while from school but I got tired." The kid shrugged.

The two adults, however, were speechless.

"Are we even taking you to your house? Show me your ICard." Demanded Baekhyun.

The kid gave it to him, completely unaware why the adults were making such a fuss.

"What about your mom? Wouldn't she be angry that you skipped school?" Chanyeol expressed his concern.

"Sure, if she would find out. She is out in her office right now and I have the house keys." He said, with his attention back to his sandwich.

"But why are you skipping school?" Chanyeol asked.

"I broke up with my girlfriend." He replied.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun exchanged looks. When he was 10, Baekhyun thought to himself, he used to get scolded for eating chalk...

"And why did you guys break up?" Queried Baekhyun, having given up on rationale.

"She was too demanding.." he answered.

This was getting more and more absurd every passing second.

"Demanding how?" Asked Chanyeol, genuinely curious. What was a 10 year old 'demanding' about?

"She wanted to hold hands in school, sit with me in class, did not want me to talk to Himatomi, my classmate and so on. You would know if you had a girlfriend. Do you have a girlfriend?" The kid questioned.

"Not really, no." Said Chanyeol.

"Oh well then are you two dating?" He asked.

"NOO." Screamed Baekhyun and Chanyeol together.

"Then are you two brothers?"

"NOOO." An even louder shout this time.

"Got it, chill. Anyhow, she was too clingy and that's why I left." He concluded.

"Tamara used to say I was clingy..." Chanyeol didn't realise that he had said it out loud.

"Are you the clingy kind, oniisan? You shouldn't be like that. Nobody likes a clingy person." Said the kid.

"You know who else nobody likes? A freeloader. Like you. Now get out of the car, we've arrived. I'm gonna see you to your house and make sure you don't runaway somewhere else the way you run your mouth." Scolded Baekhyun as they got out of the car.

A few minutes later Baekhyun came back only to find Chanyeol deep in thought.

"Don't think too much about what the kid said. You're not seriously taking relationship advice from a 10 year old, are you?" Baekhyun jested.

" I met her through a college project. She was my guide as she was a batch senior." Said Chanyeol.

"I-I was quite shy and even after the project was done, she used to approach me and we would talk. I enjoyed talking to her. It was as if she helped me break out of my shell? And she even protected me from bullies once." He added.

"So you're thankful to her ? And that is why you're doing all this?" Baekhyun asked.

"No I love her. I'm sure I love her. I do.." Chanyeol said, trying to convince himself more than Baekhyun.

"She asked me out. But once we started dating, she would decide what parties I should go to and what parties I shouldn't, even if she went to all of them. And other events too. So I would ask her the reason for this and she said that I was being too clingy." He continued, pretending to clean his nails.

"So she was using you as eye candy and she used and disposed you as and when she liked?" Baekhyun deduced.

"No,of course not. Maybe she just wanted her space? Maybe I was being too clingy." Said Chanyeol.

Baekhyun sighed. He couldn't understand whether Chanyeol could not see the truth or was turning a blind eye towards the fact that this Tamara girl was nothing but a big, fat, manipulative, gaslighting bi*tch.

Hey! So what do you think of Tamara? She helped a shy Chanyeol come out of his cocoon but her intentions seem twisted.
I know nothing major happened in this chapter but this story isn't really about major events, it's just about two very different people meeting in a strange circumstance and accepting what life throws at them while getting to understand themselves a little better with one another's help.

Alsoooo, Sehun and Chanyeol's solo songs were everything 🥺🥺 They're outdoing everyone with this album!!

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