Gone in a second:2014, Present

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Kalels. POV

      She had a cold hard grip on my arm as she pulled and tugged at me through the wet icy snow. "Miss where are we going" I said trying to release her from myself. She smiled at the thought that she was thinking. " Some where, were no one can hear you scream".

       After those crule threatening words she jerked around to see my face. her whole body turned black and teeth like razors displayed from her mouth. Her eyes were now white .

      I scream but when I did I fainted and everything else was white as well.

Anthonys. POV

      "I cant believe them, what kind of 'friends' are they" I sat on my bed and ran my fingers threw my hair. I sighed "I have to find her". I stood up and grabbed my red jacket that Kalel left at my house. While grabbing my keys I grabbed my pocket knife just in case.

      I walked down the creeky stairs and eventually to the door. The only thing I worried about was finding her and making her safe again. "I broke my promise" I promised her I would always keep her safe no matter what. I slammed the rusty door in anger and rested my head on the steering wheel.  " Im so stupid" I said hitting the worn leather of the truck.


    I pulled it out of park and shifted it into drive and took off like a sociopath. "if I get pulled over im gonna shoot some one I swear to god" I said. Talking to myself is a way to stay sain and not cry.

Kalels. POV

      I woke up when I landed on cold hard dirt. I felt my leg hit the ground first and it was true agonizing pain. I screamed not even noticing that I was in a deep but dense hole. " Aaaaaaaaaah," I cryed and hit the ground with full fists. "No no no" I said like a 10 year old not getting its way.

      "Anthony, Anthony please help me" I said whispering to myself. Now I could feel dryed tears blood dirt and sweat cover my face and hands. I sobbed and breathed deeply. I layed there like I was dead not moving and now hardly breathing

      After a while I stayed queit until I heard a groan that I recanized. I felt trust in the air but not true trust. It felt like I was being lowered into deaths hands himself. Just like a venus fly trap, they look like a beautiful flower but then they kill you and take your soul.

      I turned towerds the noise. My heart dropped into my stomach. Reality setted in, it was over the love we shared the soul bond we created the life in his eyes the breath in his chest. All over. But the pain was worse then any other. I screamed and coverd my moath with my cold pale hands and panicted. "NO NO NO ANTHONY NO NO NO PLEASE NO " I tryed to pull the knife from his stomach but when I tryed he jerked.  He lifted his hand and put it on my face he smiled and I cryed. "Please dont leave me" a tear ran from his eye but it was black. "its ok, I love y-" he stopped mid sentence and it killed me.

         "Aaaaaaaaahh, why why did you this to me," I cryed more and while I was doing so I pulled the knife from his stomach. " I love you to" and then I got ready to end it all. Pain, suffering, and love gone in a second.

Till My Dying Day. kalanthonyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat