Trustable.2014. Present

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I was walking on the slippery ice that coated the side walk. Feeling the cold wet rain trickling on my pale hands made me shiver. I hated the cold weather in Castle Rock I hated the cold period.

But it's better then living alone. I still try not to think about it but it always comes back to me, like flashbacks. I kept walking toward my new school, I made sure my jacket covered the print #13 on my arm. "What does it mean?" That's the question I still ask myself everyday twice a day.


I finally arrived at Castle Rock High, I was not elated at all in fact I was kinda pist off to be honest. For the most part, im a stay to myself suffer in silence type. So for people like me school is just our personal hell.

Everybody there was in small but load groups laughter and chatter could possibly be heard from miles away. There was one I saw when I past by to enter the school and I could tell they where together like together together.

One guy had a bowl head almost, with a arm around a younger looking girl with blonde hair. Plus a purple haried girl holding a tall brown haried kids hand. The only kid I really looked at though was a tall guy with swooped over black bangs and a red jacket. I studied his hair with eyes and realized are eyes had met embarrassingly I snapped back to reality.

I let out a small grin and breathed deeply I went back to looking at the list Mrs.Myer gave my mom when she got me registered. But from behind a heard a voice that voice iv never heard it before but for some reason it made me feel safe like it was trustable.

Till My Dying Day. kalanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now