Still no result - A friend from the past

492 12 19

11:00 p.m.... Dojo room....

Tyson forcefully opens the door and enters the room. Kenny, Ray, Daichi and Max look at him startled. The dragon boy goes to them and kicks the cups and plates that are still from the breakfast. The others try to calm him down.

Ray: *stands up and holds Tyson's arm* Tyson, calm down! *tries to hold him but the navy blue haired boy pushes him away*

Tyson: *yells at his friends* Ok, you professionals! *looks at Kenny and Max* Geniuses! I WANT RESULTS!

Kenny: *gets scared, he never saw Tyson so mad* What's going on, Tyson? Why you so....

Tyson: *interrupts him* You want to know why am I so pissed off? *grabs Kenny by the collar and forces him to stand up* LDrago has Hilary! Now you know why I'm so pissed off! *shakes him by the shoulders* He is in her head! *yells* Who knows what perverse things he will do to her! I WANT RESULTS, CHIEF!

Ray, Daichi and Max grab him and try to free Kenny.

Ray: *pushes Tyson away* Ok, calm down now! End tell as what happened.

Tyson: *yells* Don't you get it? I telling you right now, LDrago has Hilary. She was controlled and went to him. *looks at Kenny* You had enough time to think, Chief! I want results. RIGHT NOW! *is about to grab Kenny again, but is stopped by Ray*

Ray: *gives him a serious look* Tyson, that's enough! Leave him alone!

Tyson: *growls and yells* I really want to know what you would do, if your beloved Mariah were kidnapped?! Would you also be calm?

Ray: *blushes a little and steps back a little from him* I...

Tyson: *smirks slyly* That's what I thought. You would also be pissed off. *calms down and breathes out* Ok, I'm sorry, Chief. But you all had enough time to think.

Kenny: *looks down* Tyson, we don't know. I mean, LDrago is unstoppable.

Tyson: *scratches annoyed his back of the head* No, every Bit-Beast has a weak point. He also has one.

Max: *looks around* Um, where is Kai and Alesia?

Tyson: *growls* He went with her home! *balls his hands to fists* I begged him to give me the queen. But he pushed me away and said that he has something to do at home. *kicks an other cup and yells* Arrrrgh...... This traitor! I really want to kill him! He loves so much to betray me.

Max: *yells* Shut up, Tyson!

Everyone turns to him. They all know Max as a well-behaved boy, but that shocked all. That is not his way of speaking like this.

Tyson: *looks shocked at his blond best friend* Um... Max?

Max: *growls at him* Tyson, you know Kai very well. He would never let us down. If he went away then it has a reason. I'm pretty sure that he has a plan. Or do you think that he got cold feet and prepare now for the end of the world?

Tyson: *doesn't know what to say* Um...

Kenny, Ray and Daichi looks at Max stunned.

Max: *closes his eyes and sighs* Kai is too smart. He would never leave a battlefield without a victory. There are no people like him, and never will be. *lifts his index finger up and says proudly* We will go with him to the Front! *breathes heavily*

There is a loooooooooooooooong pause, until Daichi breaks the silence with an applause. Kenny, Ray and Tyson do the same.

Daichi: *whistles and claps* Woooooooo Hoooooo! That was good one, Max!

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin