Kai meets Alesia

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In Tyson's house... Living room...

Kai, Ray and Daichi enter with the drunken Tyson and Max. They notice the girls sitting on the floor with Kenny. Mariah, Hilary, Ming Ming and the new girl Alesia use his computer Dizzi to watch a Spot.

Max: *wakes up a little* What's that? A pajama party? I want too!

Ray: *holds him* Max It's enough now. *blushes as Max cuddles up at him* Why me? *sighs and looks at Kai who is watching at the new girl* Kai? *looks at Alesia, gets it, smirks and whispers to the lonely wolf* Is it that what I'm thinking, my friend.

Kai: *looks annoyed at him* Keep dreaming, Ray.

Ray: *smirks* Ok, I will try it.

Daichi: *rolls the eyes* A conversation of two crazy people.

Kai and Ray: *growls an anger* Daichi.

Daichi: *whispers to Kenny* Hey, Chief? What's gining on?

Kenny: *sits next to Ming Ming and turns to his friends with tears in his eyes* Help me. I'm watching this spot for the seventh time.

About the TV spot...

Woman: What did you do to me? You cheated on me with Heike, Babette and Nicole. But then, the affair with Caro, my sister. You filthy scoundrel! *slaps the man*

And then, the girls scream in joy. Ming Ming hugs Kenny very tightly.

Kenny: *tries to get free* Help me!

Ming Ming: Hush, Kenny!

Hilary rewinds the tape.

Woman: What did you do to me? You cheated on me w.....

There's a big drop of sweat on Kai, Ray and Daichi. They look stunned and confused at the girls, by still holding Tyson and Max.

Ray: *turns to Kai* I will never understand women.

Kai: *holds Tyson on his shoulder and sighs* You don't have to understand them, Ray. *looks at him* You just have to show who the boss is. *turns to the girls and speaks sternly* Ok, the party is over, my ladies. I ask you to turn off the Computer and go to sleep now.

The girls sigh disappointed but obey. They get up and go to the boy's direction, except Alesia, who is still sitting on the couch.

Hilary: *stops in front of Kai* You know what, Kai?! Sometimes you're really a...

Kai: *interrupts her and looks seriously* I know, Hilary. Now, just go.

Hilary growls but obeys. The other girls follow her.

Ray: *watches them leave and turns proud to Kai* Wow, Kai. That was great. You have to teach me that. *notices that Kai looks at Alesia, who is still sitting on the couch*

Kai narrows his eyebrows. He can't believe it that this girl doesn't obey him.

Kai: *calms down and smirks* Young lady, I said the party is over.

Alesia: *ignores him and closes proudly the eyes* Hmpf...

Kenny: *sits down next to her, puts his hand on her shoulder and whispers* I think you should do what he says. Don't make him mad.

Alesia just continue to ignore Kai.

Kenny: *looks worried at her* Alesia?

Kai: *growls* Hey, Ray!

Ray: *confused* Yes?

Kai: *hands Tyson to him* Hold that for me, please.

Ray: *tries to hold Tyson and Max and gets a little worried* Kai, please calm down.

Tyson: *half drunk* Kai, don't touch her. *hiccup*

Kai: *yells at him by going to Alesia's direction* Shut up, you, idiot.

Tyson: *smirks at Daichi* See, Daichi. Only he can call me idiot.

Daichi rolls his eyes.

Kenny: *stands up and tries to stop Kai* Kai, calm down.

Kai: Out of the way, Kenny. *pushes him away, so that Kenny falls on the floor*

Ray: *growls* Kai, stop it.

Kai: *looks angry down at Alesia* Hey, you.

 Kai: *looks angry down at Alesia* Hey, you

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Alesia looks also angry at him.

Kai: *growls and grabs her wrist* I told you to go to sleep.

Alesia: *grinds her teeth and says in Russian* Поцелуй меня в задницу! (Suck my ass!)

Ray, Daichi and Kenny look confused. They don't understand what she said to Kai.

Kai: *looks first stunned, but then he smirks darkly at her* Ладно, дорогая моя. (Very well, my dear.) *pulls her closer to him and whispers seductively in her ear* Просто скажи, где, когда и как. (Just tell me when, where and how.)

Alesia: *turns red, pushes him away and yells* YOU PERV! *slaps him*

The other boys look scared, with the hope that Kai will not hurt her.

Kai stays calm, smirks and lifts his hand up. Alesia closes scared her eyes with the though that he would slap her back. But she feels a soft touch on her cheek. She opens her eyes and notices that Kai caresses her cheek.

Kai: *smiles a little creepy at her* Don't worry, my dear. I will never hurt a woman.

Alesia: *looks seriously at him* And why not?

Kai: *snorts* I'm a gentleman.

Alesia: *yells at him* You're not gentleman.

Kai: *laughs amused* And you're not a lady.

Alesia: *pushes him away* Ok, I'm going, but just because I want it. *passes him, then Ray and Daichi with Tyson and Max, and leaves the room*

Kai: *watches her leave and smiles slyly* Cute, but snarky. *looks at Kenny* Sorry, Chief. I was out of control. *hands him his hand*

Kenny: *smiles, takes Kai's hand and lets him pull him up* It's ok, Kai.

Ray: *smirks* Are you sure, that you not in love, Kai?

Kai: *turns with the back to him* In this little thing? Don't make me laugh, Ray.

Daichi: *rolls the eyes* Can we go to sleep now? I'm tired!

Kai: *sighs* Alright, we will sleep here. The girls already took the rooms. I go with Daichi to find Tyson's grandfather, so he gives us blankets and pillows. Come on, Daichi. *leaves with his coolness the room, following by Daichi*

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