The last battle

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Last time...

Kai: *takes out the black green Beyblade* If you want the Bit-Beasts of my friends, then you have to defeat me first. *puts the blade in the starter and pulls the ripcord* LET IT RIP!!!

The dark blade touches the ground and spins faster and faster.

Kai: *yells with full anger* BLACK DRANZER, SHOW YOURSELF!

BD: *appears and screams terrifying * SCREECH!!!

Ryuga: *looks unimpressed* Again a bird? You are a bird lover how I can see. *smirks and closes his eyes* But that will not help you. *looks at LDrago* Ok, King of all Bit-Beasts. Show this bird who the boss here is.

LD: *looks at BD and tries to force her to bow to him* Grrrrrrr.....

BD: *tilts the head to the side and is confused* SCREECH???

Ryuga: *confused* What is going on, LDrago? Why is this bird doesn't listen to the king?

Kai: *smirks slyly* It's simple, Ryuga. Black Dranzer is the youngest Bit-Beast. She was created in the year 1917 by Rasputin.

The rest of the Bladebreakers are shocked.

Bladebreakers: *in choir* Black Dranzer is a girl?

Kai: *rolls the eyes and sighs* Yes, I was also shocked, when I found that out. *folds his arms and smirks at Ryuga* The other Bit-Beast are more than 7000 years old. That means Black Dranzer is a chick. She is only 88 years old, so doesn't understand LDrago. Young Bit-Beasts never listen to the older ones.

Ryuga: *growls in anger* No, every Bit-Beast listens to the king. *yells* LDrago, attack her!

LDrago roars very loud and attack the black Phoenix. Black Dranzer does the same, without the orders of Kai.

Kai: *yells* Hey! I didn't give you the order to attack.

Black Dranzer ignores him and scratches one of LDragos eye with her sharp claws. The black dragon roars in pain.

Kai: *smirks slyly* That's my girl.

Ray: *cheers in joy* Yeah, that's how we do it.

Tyson: *cheers the black phoenix* Black Dranzer! Go! Go! Go!

Max smiles by watching.

Daichi: *does some somersaults* Yeah, yeah, come on, birdie. *punches in the air* Give him one of that and then one of that.

Kai: *smiles touched, hearing that his friends cheers for him, looks at Ryuga with a smirk* If I were you, I would give up.

Ryuga: *growls, looks at LDrago and yells* What's going on with you, you stupid dragon? You can't defeat a baby bird?

LDrago roars, attacks Black Dranzer again and tries to bite her wing. The black bird dodge and rips a piece of meat from the dragon's neck. The dark dragon roars in pain.

LDrago: Roaaaaaaaar !!!

Ryuga: * growls * What are you doing here? Defend yourself, LDrago!

But the dragon doesn't get the chance to fight back. Black Dranzer gives him slaps with the hot black wings. Even the other Bit-Beasts are watching the fight and hope for Black Dranzers victory.

Dragon: *looks to the others* Who would have thought that one day we would get help from an enemy?

Driger: Yeah, but you know that if she wins she will become our new queen.

Dragoon: Then so be it.

Kai: *yells and orders* BLACK FLAME ATTACK! NOW!

This time Black Dranzer listen to Kai and use the attack, which makes LDrago seem quite shaky.

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