Waited 7000 years

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Dranzer and Frost fly out of the room through the open balcony door. They transform themselves into the size of an eagle and fly side by side, although Dranzer tries to keep a little distance from the queen. Frost, on the other hand, keeps an eye on him and attaches to him more and more.

The firebird gets a bad feeling about it, takes a dive and sits on a thick branch of an old acorn tree. He looks at the night sky and looks for her. However, he realizes that she is no longer in the sky and panics. He can sense her cold presence but cannot see it, using his 360° view, but to no avail.

Suddenly, he can hear a cold scary breath from the right side and turns slowly and fearfully in the direction. He doesn't see anything, but he can see the frozen breath. His eyes widen.

Frost: *makes herself visible* Boooooo!

Dranzer: SCREAAAK!!! *jumps up in shock and hits his head against a branch over him* Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Frost: *she laughs royally* Hahaha! Awww, Dranzer you're so funny. I love to play pranks with you. *smiles cute* Like in the old times.

Dranzer: *breaths heavily* Please, Your Majesty. Don't do that again. Better kill me.

Frost: *gives him a blank expression* Hello? Didn't you forget something? There's no point in killing you. You are a phoenix of fire. You will be reborn from the ashes. You tried to seduce me 7000 years ago by bringing me gifts. I was dissatisfied with the gifts and killed you. But after 5 minutes you were back and tried your luck again. So I killed you about 42, but you came back. Your stubbornness and the will not to give up made me fall in love with you.

Dranzer: *bows to her* Forgive me for being stupid, Your Majesty.

Frost: *continues to tell* We were a perfect couple. But when I defeated LDrago, you kept your distance from me. *comes closer* Do you know, how much I missed your tenderness.

Dranzer: *gets nervous, scared and backs away, until the tree trunk stops him* Your... Your, Majesty. Please...

Frost: *gives him a hopeful look and nears him* Please, tell me, that you still feel something for me. *stands in front of him, so that their beaks touched* Please, Dranzer.

Dranzer: *swallows nervously and looks into her blue eyes* Yes, Your Majesty.

Frost: *sighed with relief* Awww, Dranzer. You make me so happy. And can you, please, call me Frosy? Like for 7000 years. *starts preening his feathers*

Dranzer: *confused* What are you doing, Your Ma... I mean Frosy?

Frost: *preens his neck feather* I am preparing you for our mating ceremony.

Dranzer: Mating ceremony?*jumps up and hit his head again* Ouch!

Frost: *stops preening and looks at him seductively* When our owners started it, I became hot. And that is physically impossible for me. *giggles* Did you forget what we planned 7000 years ago? We wanted to start our own family. *preens his wing feathers* So, I think you are ready. *backs away and waits*

Dranzer just stands there and don't know what to do.

Frost: *swings with the wings* Come on. Impress me. Like in the past.

Dranzer: *thinks what to do and does the birds of Paradise mating dance* SCREAAAK!!! *jumps and flies around her* SCREAAAK!!! SCREAAAK!!! SCREAAAK!!!

Frost: *jumps only 180°, has a problem keeping an eye on him because he is too fast* Dranzer! Dranzer! Dranzer, slow down.

Dranzer: SCREAAAK!!! *doesn't listen to her, lands on her back and pulls on her neck feathers, to keep the female still*

Frost: *screams in pain* SCREAAAK!!!

But before Dranzer can really start, the branch cannot hold the weight and breaks. Both legendary birds fall down.

Frost: *falls on her back and the leaves of the tree fly around* Ouch! *opens his eyes and sees Dranzer flying down to her* My angel! *smiles at him*

Dranzer flies down and gets on top of the queen. He starts to preening her frozen feathers, to seduce her in this way. The queen moans and can feel that his member touching her flower. Both of their beaks touch, and they rub their heads against each other, by making their typical sounds. SCREAAAK!!!

They look at each other.

Frost: *whispers with a cold breath* I'm impressed.

Dranzer: *smiles at her softly* I missed you, Frosy. *kisses her and can feel how much he missed her*

Frost. *kisses him back and gives a scream* SCREAAAK!!!

The firebird buries his female under his hot wings of passion.

Miles away ... In the mountains ... a white-red haired young man stands on a cliff and looks down on the city. His evil grin reveals his personality. In his hand he holds a beyblade, from which an eerie and nasty growl sounds.

?????: * smiles badly * Hush, my friend. Don't worry, I will find her. You will get your revenge.

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceWhere stories live. Discover now